chapter 4

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Peter's POV (ooh theres a change)

I continued running through the Enchanted Forest as fast as i possibly could. Hook and Rumple were on my tail, and Maryann was in tinker bell's tree house, under i curse that i can't break. Hook was screaming he was going to get me and give me what i deserved and Rumple, well he's still mad about when he was little. My shadow was flying above me and i heard a chuckle. "you let them in" i spit at my shadow. "i did" he replied. i continued running. i couldn't fly. with maryann under the curse my power is fading. thats what they want. Hook or should i say Killian was like a brother to MaryAnn. how could he just let Rumple put her under the spell like he did. i need to get her out of here. i need to send her back home. i want to go with her but i can't. or can i? no i can't. time will catch up with me and i will age. wait. I bet yes, Regina. She will have a potion or something that i can take to stay in her world. with her. just long enough for everything here to calm down. as we got the the edge of the enchanted forest i knew i would have to circle around and go back towards Neverland. i turned and took off the other way. when i made it back to Neverland i heard a whooshing sound as the curse went back over Neverland to keep others in or out. i sat down just long enough to catch my breath and ran to Tink's tree house. Maryann was still under the spell. she was laying on a glass table with a blanket under her head as a pillow. i went over to her and held her hand. " baby. i don't know if you can hear me but you have to go home. don't worry though. I'm going to come too. just long enough for things to simmer down here." i said to her. i picked her up and carried her down to the ground and threw the magic bean. i kissed her causing her to wake up. "hold on baby. you're going home" i said to her and jumped into the portal. we landed on her bed in her bedroom. she stood up and touched the wall lightly running her hand across it. i looked at the wall on the other side of the room and read the worlds on it. Never Grow Up. Second Star to the Right and Straight on till Morning. Ill hold you in my heart until i can hold you in my arms. These are all quotes. From me... a little black long thing ran into the room and jumped on the bed and i ran to the other side of the room. "Buddy!!" she yelled picking it up. "Peter, baby its okay. its just a dog." she said to me. i walked over slowly and looked at the "dog". it licked my face and i laughed. "his name is buddy. i have another dog and cats too" she told me. i laid down on her bed staring at the ceiling until i heard yelling. oh no.

Maryanns POV

My dad ran into the room when he heard buddy. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. IT'S BEEN ALMOST 2 MONTHS?!?!!?!?" He yelled at me. He said Peter in my bed. Uh oh. "WHO'S THAT???! YOU KNOW BOYS AREN'T ALLOWED IN YOUR ROOM!!" he screamed. my mom ran in and stood by my dad. "Dad! chill. this is peter. peter pan." i said. he looked at me like i was the craziest person in the world. peter stood up and walked over to my parents. "hello. I'm peter. peter pan" he said. "no your not, you're just a random guy my daughter is obsessed with" my dad said. peter walked over to me and kissed me and i heard my dad growl. he pulled away and said, "you know what to do baby girl." i took his hand and squeezed it. he started to lift up of the air and i let go and he flew around my room. my dad watched him in amazement and i smiled. he believes me i thought to myself. peter landed back on my bed and pulled me down onto his lap. "i told you dad. I've been in Neverland." i said to him. "o...okay. how long will you be back" he asked. "just until everything in Neverland settles down. he's going to stay here." i answered. "won't time catch up with him?" he asked. "no. thats why we had to leave Neverland. he asked Rumple for a potion to stop time for him so it won't catch up with him but he said no, so peter took it and gave it to Regina. Regina put the curse over him so we could come back here. Hook turned his back on me and peter when we got together so he put me under a sleeping curse so he could kill peter and get me back and he asked for Rumples help." i told him. he nodded following along the whole time. "okay both of you can stay here. he has to stay in the other room though." my parents said together. "dad we've been sleeping in the same bed for 2 months and nothing has happened." i told him. "well you're home for now. he's staying in the other room." he said. i groaned and they walked out of the room. i climbed out of peter lap and grabbed my guitar out of it case. "whats that" peter asked. "its a guitar baby." i told him. i strummed on it and he smiled. "will you sing that song for me again?" he asked. i smiled and nodded. i strummed the music on my guitar and started singing.

Peter where are you. could've sworn your shadow was causing me to stir in my sleep. My sanity's thinning far to quickly. Time wills that i grow up but I'm not ready. Peter, show yourself. The clock just stroke twelve. I need you now more than ever. And when you finally come we'll fly until dawn and when the moon returns and looks for us we will be hidden in the shadows. We'll laugh so hard the universe will shake. Second star to the right will remember this day. The day I stay for good. Cause I'm not ready to let this go. Wanna stay with you right here forever more. In the neverland sun, I'll sleep save and sound... in the arms of my peter pan.

He smiled covering his face blushing. i kissed his lips softly and put my guitar away. i got up and changed into my Neverland sweatpants and peter pan shirt and he smiled. "you really love me don't you." he said laughing. "i do." i said giggling. he snapped his fingers and he was wearing baggy sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. i took his hand and drug him to the other room where my parents insisted he stay which won't last. i taught him what a tv was and how to work it and he sat on the bed and looked lost when i walked out of the room. before i went to sleep i got up and checked on him to see he was sound asleep cuddling a pillow. i wish that was me...

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