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Monday Morning
Catherine's P.O.V.

I'm in my first period class, just walking in when a voice comes over the intercom calling my name,
"Is a Catherine Russet in the classroom?"
I look at my teacher and he makes it clear that he's fine with me answering.
"Yes, I'm here.'' I say loudly and slowly.
"We have two boys who are here to shadow you in the office," the voice says.
"Coming!" I say, mentally face palming myself for forgetting that Connor and Jc were shadowing today.  I get the thumbs up from my teacher and I run down the various halls and sets of stairs to the office.  When I get there, two very cute boys are just standing there.  They both turn to face me at the same time.  The one on the left has dark hair that is half hidden under a beanie.  The tips of his hair are a dark blonde that actually match the darker tones of my light hair. He has dark eyes that meet mine as I smile. The one on the right has a lightish brown shade of hair and the most beautiful sea green eyes I have ever seen.

"Hi," the one on the right says, "I'm Connor."
"Hey," I say, worrying that my hair looks stupid or something.
"And I'm Jc," the one on the left says.

We leave the office and I begin to explain where some of the buildings are, what my schedule is, what some of the teachers are like, basic stuff.  We get back to my first period class, and everyone, literally EVERYONE, looks up to see who the new people are.  They introduce themselves and we get on with our lives.

The whole day consists of these two boys making me laugh.  I learn that Jc likes to penny board and Connor loves cats, which makes me happy.  We do everything together the whole day and when the end of the day comes, they both looks a little sad.

"What's up with you guys?" I ask.
"I don't wanna stop hanging out with you!" Connor moans.
"Well, I have an after-school practice that you guys can come to and then we can go to my house to hang out."
"YEAH!" Jc says, fist pumping the air.  We go to my last period class which seems to drag by before it's time for practice.  When we finally get to exit my last class I turn to the two boys, who look excited, and say

"You ain't seen nothing yet."

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