Yelling and Love

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I wake up in the hospital.  I move around slightly and shooting pain goes up my leg.  I look down at it, but it's wrapped in a thick layer of gauze.  I move around and figure out how to sit up without causing even more pain.  I'm about to hit the call button for a nurse when I see Andrea outside.  She's sitting on a chair outside the door, crying, but I can't hear anything.  I can only see her trembling, her hands pressed into her eyes.  Then I see Kian next to her, his arm over her shoulder, his face by her ear.  Connor comes over, saying something.  Then Andrea shoots up and I can tell that she's shouting.  I've only ever seen her scream like that once before, and the memory terrifies me.  I press the call button, but then slam my fist on it until a nurse finally appears outside the door.  She breaks up the group outside and Andrea is the only one allowed in.  

"Are you okay?!  What hurts?!  I can't believe that I let this happen.  I'm going to kill him.  This never would have happened if I hadn't let Sam come over.  I'm so stupid.  I should have been with you.  I shouldn't have left you alone with a boy.  I shouldn't have said that we would go to the mall with them.  This is all my fault.  I'm so sorry."

"No Andrea, it isn't.  I wanted to hang out with Connor.  It was my choice.  You may be my big sister, but it isn't always your job to take care of me.  I was just a cut.  I'm fine.  Connor's probably traumatized, but I'm fine and-"


"Andrea.  You don't get to decide that.  You can choose not to see him, but Connor may have saved my life.  When I got cut, I just stood there like an idiot.  If he didn't tell me what to do, this situation could be a lot different."  The nurse comes over with a needle.  She pumps the clear liquid through the IV and explains that that's a magic pain killer that's very strong and will make me tired.  When she leaves, Connor comes rushing in, his voice a flood of apologies.  I suddenly feel so tired.  I try to reassure him that it wasn't his fault, but Andrea starts yelling again.  Even through the volume of her voice, I fall asleep, thanks to the medication.  

Connor's P.O.V.

Eventually Kian drags Andrea out of the room and calms her down.  I sit in the chair next to Cat's bed.  She's lying on her side, facing me.  Her hand is close to the edge of the bed and I gingerly bring it closer.  I rest it in my own and it feel so natural.  I remember walking through the parking lot with her; holding her hand.  It felt so natural.  Eventually, I focus on her face.  I brush her blonde hair out of her face, studying every inch.  Her nose is a little rounded on the bottom, like Andrea's, but Cat is paler than Andrea.  I remember her eyes; hazel, like Andrea's, but hers have gold and blue flecks.  Her eyelashes look so thick.  Her lips look so full. Her cheek bones so high.  I could look at her face for hours and never be tired of it.  

I'm afraid that she's going to wake up.  I wouldn't want her to think that I'm a creep.  I don't want her to think badly of me in anyway.  I care about her so much and I hope that she cares for me, too.  What if she doesn't?  What if I've fallen hopelessly in love with a girl who doesn't love me back?

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