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She had been frantically calling and texting him since last night. She has never seen him react like that to anything and though he overreacted her main concern right now was that he was safe. He had hurt his hand pretty bad when she saw him it also wasn't like him to leave the house after an argument.

It was Monday and she had to be at the gallery anyway, hopefully he would be there too

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It was Monday and she had to be at the gallery anyway, hopefully he would be there too. She looked around before going into her office. Still no sign of Chance. She had business to handle so she would stay until she got her work done then she would worry about the Chance situation when she was done with work.

It was Monday night and she hadn't seen or heard from her fiancé. She was upset to say the least. If anything she should be ignoring him he was the one who put holes in the wall and broke the mirror all because he felt disrespected by the things Shawn said. With all that being said she still couldn't help being worried about him. Even if he wasn't ready to come home, a phone call would put her at ease. She turned on her side in the big lonely bed and grabbed a pillow she buried her face in the pillow and began to cry softly into it.
In the middle of her feeling sorry for herself her phone rang.
She grabbed it from off her night stand "hello?"
"Hey Blue wanted to tell you goodnight" Shawn said on the other end.
He could hear her sniffling "Hey, you okay?"
She tried her best to get herself tougher "I'm fine I'm a little sick."
"You don't sound sick."
"Shawn I said I'm fine."
"Okay but when Blue talks to you she's going to want to know why you're crying she's smart ya know."
He's right she couldn't talk to her daughter in this state she would know something was wrong.
"Chance hasn't been home in two nights.." She didn't know why she even told him that, she immediately regretted it.
"Is that right? Ya son run away from home did he?" He was mocking Chance's age.
"If that's your idea of comfort I'm sorry I said anything."
"You right I'm sorry, I'm sure he'll be home soon he prolly got lost you know how kids are not being able to read directions and all."
"Shawn, where is Blue anyway?" She asked.
"What? .. Oh! Right ya know this conversation went on for so long the little one might be asleep by now" he lied.
She rolled her eyes she knew exactly what was up now "Blue never wanted to say goodnight did she?"
"Maybe I wanted you to tell me goodnight, Blue been sleep for a good hour" he admitted.
She couldn't help but laugh she should've known. initially he was lying when she looked at the time it was way too late for Blue to be awake especially on a school night.
"I should've known something was up."
"So you not gonna tell me goodnight?"
"Goodnight, Shawn" she hung up.
She went to sleep a lot less sad than she was at the start of that conversation.

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