15: The End

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Beyoncé saw Chance in his all black suit as she walked down the isle she couldn't help but smile at him

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Beyoncé saw Chance in his all black suit as she walked down the isle she couldn't help but smile at him. They hadn't seen each other since yesterday before the party and of course that very confusing conversation she had with Shawn after the party. She wasn't gonna lie it was very refreshing to see him outside of street clothes even when he did have to dress up he would still wear a fitted cap. But not today he cleaned up nicely.

Chance saw his soon to be wife walking down the isle towards him and it hit him. He couldn't believe this day has finally come. He dreamed about this day several times but never believed it could be a reality. This was the woman of his dreams and today, he would marry her. He was so deep in his thoughts he was surprised when he felt a tear rolling down his face, he quickly wiped it away but he knew everyone saw him crying anyway.

"Chance and Beyoncé have written vows to each other and will recite them at this time.. Chance?" The pastor signaled for him to recite his vows.
"Ms. Beeeey" he started. It made a couple of people chuckle especially Chance's friends that knew she was his teacher first.
Beyoncé gave him a half smile.
"I knew I loved you since the first day I laud eyes on you, you showed me love when I didn't feel like I had a person in the world I had a rough up bringing and you looked past that I came to you this knuckle headed kid and by the time I was ready to go off to college I was a much better man because of you. You helped me realize my dreams in the form of art. Then when I finished college like fate you came back to me I love you so much and you are making me the happiest and luckiest man in the world today" he finished.
Beyoncé felt her stomach in knots. She felt more guilt than anything else she didn't even know if she wanted to be here right now and Chance just poured his heart out to her in front of both their families. She began to bawl like a baby.
"Aww" several people in the crowd said as she cried. If they only knew these weren't tears of joy..
She tried her best to pull herself together it was her turn to read her vows.
"Chance you are a blessing" her words were coming out very slowly her voice still trembling from crying.
Chance smiled "It's okay baby take your time."
She continued still filled with guilt she found it hard to speak these words when she felt she was making a mistake "You are a blessing you came at a point in my life when things were looking low you gave me a second chance at my dreams and I will forever be grateful to you for that."
She paused for a long time everyone was looking around confuses especially Chance.
She took a deep breath out "I'm so sorry Chance I can't."
She lifted her dress and ran out the venue. She heard people gasping and could feel everyone's eyes following her as she ran. Chance was way too shocked and embarrassed to do anything he stood there frozen.Immediately Shawn, who was sitting with Blue took their daughter over to Beyoncé's mom and told Blue to sit with her. He went to run after his ex wife.
Luckily when he got outside she was visible a few blocks down from the venue. He called to her.
"Beyoncé! Beyoncé!"
He caught up to her quickly it was easy since the wedding dress was slowing her down.
She didn't look him in the eyes when he turned her body to face his.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
Running away" she answered.
He sighed "Does this have anything to do with what happened between us last night?"
"It didn't help things" she admitted.
"But I've been having doubts for some time now I always wondered if I would've been so indebted to Chance or even have dated him if I wasn't in such a bad place when we reconnected."
"And your heart was obviously telling you that if you didn't feel like he saved you, you wouldn't be in this wedding dress" he said matter of factly.
She sighed then shrugged.
"I always knew we'd get back together Bey, even at our worse I couldn't picture myself with someone else for the rest of my life it was always you."
"..Shawn I didn't just run out of my wedding to jump into your arms again, honestly I need time" she said truthfully.
He nodded understandingly.
"I'm gonna check into a hotel, eventually people at the wedding will figure I'm not coming back go take Blue home" she told him.
"Okay but call me when you clear your head" he said.
"I will" she agreed.

She did as she said she would and checked herself into a hotel she spent the first two night ignore an enormous amount of calls and messages  and crying to herself. The next day she decided to stop feeling sorry for herself and decide what she wanted. This great awakening surprisingly led her to a hair salon which she decided to tell the beautician to chop her hair off.

 This great awakening surprisingly led her to a hair salon which she decided to tell the beautician to chop her hair off

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"I love it!" The beautician told her.
She smiled "Thank you."

After her big change and two days to think on it she felt like a new woman and was ready to go after what she wanted.

She checked out the hotel that night.

*The door bell rang*
Shawn opened it. To his surprise Beyoncé was standing there with a new haircut.
He smiled "Welcome home?"
She giggled "I'm actually here to see Blue, we have time to talk about that later."
"I'll take that" he signaled for her to come in. It wasn't a definite answer but to his knowledge no one had spoken to her in two days and this is the first place she showed up. His chances at getting her back were pretty good according to him. Besides he knew that claim that she was there to see Blue was only half true. If he had it his way she'd stay here tonight and never leave.

The End.

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