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"Do you like this spot?" Chance asked Beyoncé.
She nodded her head yes.
"Good it's fairly new I wanted to try it."
"I love it here it's beautiful" she smiled.
"You about done? I'm really anxious to show you the collection I've been working on its my best work yet, I wanna see what Ms. Knowles has to say about her best protégées work" he winked playing off the fact she used to be his teacher.
She chuckled at the fact he used her maiden name, she was mrs. Carter when she taught him technically.
"I'm done, can we get desert to go though I want some of this cheesecake."
"Anything you want" he smiled.
They ordered the cheesecake to go then made their way to the art gallery.

"It's a couple of paintings and they tell a story, sort of like a timeline" he explained as they entered the room in he gallery where he worked on his art. "Just take the covers off he painting as you go, start here."
She started at the first painting it was of a women that looked like her in a classroom.
"Go to the next one."
She went to the next painting this one she recognized as the time her and Chance were in the rain when he told her he had nowhere to go all those years back.
"Next one."
This painting depicted a pregnant women crying it used very dark colors, she figured this one was about the night Shawn left when he found out about Chance.
The next painting was split down the middle, on one side Chance was on the phone and the other side Beyoncé was on the phone. This one was about when he had called her after he graduated to ask her to open the gallery with him.
"The next one is one of my favorites."
This one was a very detailed, very graphic painting of a naked man and woman the man was on top of the woman, instead of their eyes being just pupils their pupils were replaced with fire. She blushed at the painting.
"I remember that night" she smiled.
"Oh, yes."
"Almost done, only two more paintings to go" he told her.
The second to last painting was of her, Blue and Chance. He painted them both wearing crowns on their heads. This one had to be the first time she introduced Blue to Chance.
"Last one."
He took the covering off the paintings slower than he did the others.

"He took the covering off the paintings slower than he did the others

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She studied this last painting, she was thrown off by it. She stared at it for a few more seconds before it finally clicked. She opened her mouth in shock and turned around to Chance for an explanation. When she turned around he was on his knee with a jewelry box in his hand.
"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles.. Will you make me the happiest luckiest man in the world and marry me?"
She had tears forming in her eyes, this was the sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for her.
"Yes!" She said accepting the ring as he put it on her finger. He picked her up and spun her around, then they shared a passionate kiss.
"We're gonna have to take the Knowles off of the Bennett- Knowles gallery sign I gotta see who I call about that" Chance joked.
"Have that fixed immediately" she said going along with her fiancé's joke.
"Will do Mrs. Bennett" he said in her ear.
"Let's go home, we have to celebrate" she grabbed his hand leading him to the car.

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