Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V.

After the 7th shot of straight vodka Brady and I were babbling idiots who had no clue what was going on around us.

"Hey pal, how 'bout we get out of here and get some McDonalds or something. I'm starving!" I mumble, tripping over my feet

"Yeah dude. Whatever you want!" Brady laughs and stumbles toward the door.

"Do you have money for a cab because I spent all I had on my tab." I chuckle

"Nah dude, I'm broke too!"

We both break out into a fit of laughter

"Alright then I'll drive. I'm pretty sobered up already." I rummage through my pockets in search of my keys. When I find them I fling the door open and hop in the drivers seat.

As I drive down the street every car I pass honks at me. I flip them all off in confusion.

"I'm a great driver! I don't know why they keep honking at me!" my face turning red with anger.

My phone chimes with a text from my dad. When I reach for my phone it falls the the floor.

"Brady hold the wheel for a second. I dropped my phone."

Just as my fingers brush the tip of my phone Brady smacks me on the back.

"STOP!!" he shrieks

"What the hell Bra-" when I look up we are inches away from hitting a girl standing in the middle of the street. By the time I slam on my brakes it's too late and the car smashes into her sending her body flying probably 20 feet from the car.

"HOLY SHIT! NO NO NO!" I scream, scrambling for my phone I dial my father's work phone immediately.

"London Police Department, how may I help you?" the women on the phone asked.

"Transfer me to Des Styles immediately it's his son!" I yell leaping out of the car.

"Right away sir."

I run down the street and kneel down in front of the girl's limp body.

"Please wake up, please wake up!" I cry.

"Hello son, is everything alright?"

"NO! I was driving and I hit this girl and now she isn't moving and I'm standing here with her and Brady is in the car and I-"

"Okay son take a deep breath and look to see if she has any kind of identification with her. I'll be there as soon as possible. Just don't leave her."

"I won't dad, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" I hang up and brush the dirt off the girl's face. She is actually quite beautiful. I hope she wakes up soon...

Riley's P.O.V.

I hear noises around me and the pain in my head increases by the second. A frantic boy apologizes profusely and I try to tell him I'm fine but no words seem to form in my mouth.

I feel a soft hand brush against my cheek I try to reach up and touch it but my body doesn't obey me.

I regain feeling in my face and my eyelids peel open to the sight of emerald green eyes staring down at me.

"Ouch." is the first thing I can say. The boys face lights up when he sees I'm awake.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy you're awake! I'm so sorry! Can you tell me your name?"

"Ri-Riley Stanton." I manage to get out. I reach my hand up to my head and when I pull it back in front of my face I that it's see covered with blood.

"It's okay." he whispers noticing the expression on my face. "It doesn't look that bad." He smiles slightly.

Looking around I notice another boy walking towards us who looks vaguely familiar.

"Brady! Go grab my spare shirt I have in the car!" the handsome boy above me yells.

"What's your name?" I ask wincing at the pain in my jaw as the words come out.

"Harry Styles" he smiles weakly, a look of concern in his eyes.

When the boy named Brady returns Harry grabs the shirt out of his hand and gently dabs my head with it.

Suddenly a police car and ambulance pull up next to Harry and I. A man with very similar features to Harry runs out of the car towards us.

"I can take it from here, son." the man says to Harry.

A man with a stretcher also approaches us and three men hoist me up and wheel me back towards the ambulance.

When I look back, Harry has his face in his palms and his shoulders are shaking. Brady is next to him talking to the police as the door to the ambulance closes behind me.

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