Chapter 10

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Harry's P.O.V.

I practically trip while darting out of Riley's room. My heart is beating rapidly as I run into the kitchen and grab my keys and the grocery list for dinner tonight. As I speed off down the street all I can think about is her beautiful aqua eyes and how they stared into mine with such intensity.

All I want to do is hurry in the store so I can get back to see her again. I barley know this girl but there is just something that draws me to her.

As the automatic doors open in front of me I stroll inside and grab a basket. Walking down the produce isle I grab a variety of veggies to make a salad with and some garlic for the alfredo sauce. I always loved cooking but I havn't done that much of it since my mum passed away, she was always teaching me new recipes and little tricks to remember while cooking, it'll be nice to get back into the kitchen again.

As I pick out a fresh plump tomato for the salad and I lift my head in search of a plastic bag, I hear my name followed by the clicking of heels.

"Harry dear! Is that you?!'

I quickly look around in search of the voice until I see a bobbing brown head curls running in my direction. Immediately I drop the tomato in realization of who it is. The ex-love of my life, Elle.

Riley's P.O.V.

Finally situated in bed I flip on the tv and Grey's Anatomy happens to be on. My absolutely favorite show. It's always been my dream to be a doctor and this show makes me crave the idea of it even more.

Sleep slowly starts to take over my body when I hear a light knock on the door.

"Come in." I say while stretching and sitting up.

Brady slowly walks into my room carrying a bouquet of carnations.

"What's all this for!?" I say while giggling and covering my face

"It's just a little house warning gift. I brought a vase from the kitchen too, where would you like them?"

"Just on my dresser is fine, thank you Brady you really didn't need to do that."

"It's the least I can do considering Harry and I-"

"I know I know! You guys only remind me every freaking day! It's okay really, you guys can't quit apologizing all the time!" pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"I'm sorry Riley, Harry and I just feel awful about this though. I'm surprised but ecstatic we've actually become friends out of this whole thing though." he says running his fingers through his blond hair.

He plops next to me on my bed and snatches the remote out of my hand changing the show to Family Guy.

"Hey! I was watching that!" I smack my fists on the bed like a little girl throwing a tantrum.

"Psh! Family Guy is way better then some Fray's Anatomy!"

"It's GREY'S Anatomy for your information! And that happens to favorite show! Now change it back!"

"Whatever! You'll get over it Ri."

"You owe me! I mean you did hit me with your freaking car Brady!"

"I thought we were over that!"

"You know I'm going to hold it over your head, especially to get what I want." I smirk

"Yeah yeah..." he mumbles under his breath while flipping my show back on.

Harry's P.O.V.

With sweaty palm I open my arms and embrace her in a hug.

"It's so good to see you, love! How have you been!?" She said pulling out of our hug.

Just as I'm about to answer Liam, who looks as if he's on steroids now, approaches us wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Oh um, hey mate." Liam sheepishly smiles at me.

"Is this the pie crust you wanted babe?"

My cheeks start to flame as the memories of all of us come flooding back to my memory. The way she shattered my heart and Liam destroyed our friendship.

I pull up to Elle's apartment and slip on my jacket before walking out into the snow. I grab the thermos of hot chocolate from the cup holder and stroll up the drive way. It's her favorite drink and she has had a cold all week so I know this will make her feel better.

I use the house key she gave me to open the front door and leap inside shaking the snow from my jacket. I quietly close the door in hopes of surprising her.

I creep down the hall way until I reach her door. I slowly creak it open the smile on my face growing by the second thinking about how her eyes will light up when she sees me.

"Surpri-" I stop dead in my tracks as I see her straddling my best friend, Liam. Her hands are running through his hair when his eyes pop open and he shoves her off of him.

"Babe what are you-" she starts to say but covers her mouth when she sees me standing in her door way. "Harry, it's not what it looks like!" she says, stumbling out of the bed towards me.

"Don't. Cover yourself up. I can't stand to look at you." I shield my eyes from her half naked body.

"Mate," Liam stands from the bed,"it's my fault...don't blame her. She really loves you and I just-"

"Save it. She's just as guilty as you are. You're sick bastard you know that. You were my best friend. How could you do this to me!" I try to hold back the tears forming in my eyes.

He steps closer lifting his hand defense. "I am your best friend Haz, this is all just a misunderstanding. It was an accident."

"Are you kidding me?!" I clutch my gut laughing " You're seriously fucked up man. And as for you," I point towards Elle, " Don't bother apologizing, I don't want to here. Don't ever speak to me again."

"Harry I love you. You know that! I just need you to listen to me.." she says through sobs.

"No. You've done enough damage already. I really thought you were the love of my life, Elle. But I guess people aren't always who they seem to be. Well have a nice life you two, you are perfect for each other." I step out of the room slamming the door behind me. I hear her sobs from behind me as she flings the door open and sprints after me crying out my name.

I whip open the door to my car not even looking at her. As I pull out of the drive way I see Liam come out of the front door and wrap a jacket over sobbing body laying in the snow.

"Harry?" Elle's voice brings me back to reality.

"Sorry I-I have to get going." I push past her and her enormous boyfriend and quickly walk towards the self checkout.

I toss my groceries in the passenger seat as I tightly grip the steering wheel. Tears start to well up in the corners of my eyes as I rapidly punch the steering wheel. I was doing so good. I was moving on. But when I saw her all those feeling came back practically smacking me in the face. Now I'm here sitting in my car like a little bitch balling my eyes out over some girl who never even loved me.


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