Chapter 12

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Harry's P.O.V.

I jump back from Riley as the front door swings open and scurry back behind the counter and continue cooking. The steam from the boiling pot coats my face. I wipe my face with my sleeve before continuing to stir the sauce. I occasionally glance at Riley who is carrying on a conversation with my dad. I feel her eyes on me as soon as I turn around. I whip back around and give her a wink. She giggles and I stride over to her as my dad leaves the room.

"What do you want to do tonight?" I lean on the bar waiting for her response.

"Hmmm, How about we watch a movie and make popcorn! That's always fun! Maybe we could even invite Brady over or something!" she squeals, lightly griping my forearm.

I love the way her hands feel against my skin.

"Of course. Whatever you want." I tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear and her cheeks turn red. I turn away not wanting to embarrass her for noticing and head towards the stove. I open the drawer on the left side and pull out a spoon. I dip the spoon into the sauce and blow on it slightly. I cup the spoon around my other hands and slowly make my way back to Riley.

"Is that for me?" she grins batting her lashes at me.

"Of course love." I say pressing the spoon against her lips like an infant. I watch her carefully as she slowly parts her lips and takes the spoon in her mouth then presses her lips closed again. Hers eyes light up as the sauce hits her tongue.

"Oh my god Harry! This is the best Alfredo sauce I've had in my life!" she moans with her mouth full.

"Of course it is. I'm brilliant." I smirk. I reach into my pocket feeling around for my phone which is vibrating. Taking it out, I read the message that has popped up on the screen.

Hey Harry! I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner tomorrow night and catch up. It'll be just like old times! Let me know ASAP!

-xo Elle

My eyesgo wide as I read it for the third and fourth time. She can't be serious! If I could barely stay I the same room as her, how could he think that I could have dinner with her!? I reply quickly.

Ha. You're funny.


Harry I'm serious! We really need to catch up and discuss some things.


We can talk about this later. I'm busy being happy.


Alright well I'm holding you to that conversation. We are going to have to talk eventually. You can't avoid me forever Harry.


Damn she is persistent. I'm not putting myself through that so she can get the idea out of her head. She's disgusting and I want nothing to do with her. I glance up and Riley has a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine, it's nothing you need to worry about." I sigh

"Okay, well just know I'm always here I you need to talk Harry."

"I know. Thanks Ri."

She heads out of the kitchen towards the bathroom as my father walks out of his bedroom.

"I see the way she looks at you." My father says grabbing the newspaper and putting on his glasses.

"I don't know what you mean." I turn around and start to distribute pasta on three plates.

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