Chapter 9

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I've been in the hospital for three days now. I have no idea how I'm going to pay these hospital bills when I get out.

The impact of the accident broke three of my ribs, my tibia, and called for three stitches above my right eyebrow where my head had been bleeding.

I'm so exhausted and I have barely been allowed to sleep because of my concussion.

Officer Styles is planning on visiting me this morning. It'll be nice to have at least some kind of company.

"Good morning Riley." Officer Styles says walking into my room.

"Hello." I smile and try to sit up but I soon give up because the pain is too severe.

"I come to ask you if you were planning on pressing charges against Harold?"

Although Harry hit me with his car I don't think it was on purpose. He's already beating himself up enough.

"No, I am in a lot of pain don't get me wrong and Harry really should have been paying better attention but I was the one standing in the street!" I chuckle lightly while clutching my stomach in pain.

"Alright then. Do you have any family I should call, just to let them know that you're okay and that you'll be discharged tomorrow?"

"No.." I sigh "I don't have anyone or any place to live here. I was planning on trying to get a job the other day but then this happened." motioning up and down my body.

"Well if it wouldn't be too uncomfortable for you, Ms. Riley, I have a mother-in-law suite I'm renting out just behind my house. If you would be interested, I could let you use it for free until you get back on your feet and find a job."

"You would really be willing to do that Mr. Styles?!" I ask, the excitement clear in my voice.

"It's the least I can do considering this was my careless son's doing." He says, slightly smiling.

He continues asking me how long I've been in London and why I decided to come here but as he waits for my response I slowly zone out .

I'm on so many pain medications right now I'm surprised I've been this responsive this long.

"I'll just come back in a few days when you're feeling better and we can continue this conversation." I faintly see his figure leave my room as my eyes flutter shut.


Throughout the next few day I faintly remember Harry and his friend Brady coming in every so often to see how I was doing though their visit mostly consisted of apologies.

Harry and his father return a couple days later rolling a wheel chair into my room followed by a nurse.

"Today is the day Ms. Stanton!" the nurse squeals, helping me into the wheelchair. "You're going to be sore for a couple more weeks and you'll have to be on strict bed rest but I'm sure you'll be more comfortable at home."

"I picked up you things earlier this week from the taxi company that was driving you to your hotel." Harry smiles shyly

"Thank you." I blush. I still haven't gotten over how gorgeous he is.

Mr. Styles, who I've learned to call Des, wheels me out of the hospital and then Harry carefully helps me into the back seat of his father's car.

"So Riley, to celebrate you discharge from the hospital Harry and I would like to make your favorite meal for dinner tonight."

"That is, if it's not to hard to make." Harry laughs turning around in his seat to smile at me.

Those dimples are too adorable!

We finally turn onto Kingswood Drive. My eyes bug out of my head as we pull up to a gorgeous three-story white house. As we pass through the gates at the entrance of the driveway, the blue shutters on the windows come into view. The wraparound porch is lined with flower pots each filled with different colored gerbera daisies. It looks as if this house was taken straight out of the freaking Notebook!

"Ready to go?" Harry says opening my door

"Your house is beautiful Harry."

"Thanks, my mum designed it. I just wish she had gotten the chance to see it completed before she passed away." He sighs and looks down at his feet

"Oh Harry I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, now let's go get you settled inside." he says giving me a warm smile

We enter through the double doors which lead directly into the foyer. He rolls me into the kitchen and whips out a pad of paper and a pen.

"Okay so what would you like for dinner." he says scribbling something down

"Um...Fettuccine Alfredo."

"Alright it's settled then. I'll get you settled in your room then I'll run to the store."

Harry wheels me back outside and around the back of the house where the suite is. It's almost an exact replica of the actual house. It's white with blue shutters and had a green "Welcome" wreath hanging from the red front door. I already feel at home.

He unlocks the front door and the warm air from inside warms my cheeks.

"Your room is at the back of the house and you have a huge bathroom and walk in closet." He grins as we enter my room.

The room is all white with hints of red. Draped over the king size bed is a white fluffy comforter and multiple red pillows sprawled out against the head board.

He then rolls me into the bathroom and I see a huge walk in shower with jets coming out of the walls.

I think I'm in heaven.

"Alright let's get you all comfy in bed and I'll be back in an hour or so."

He parks the wheel chair next to the nightstand and scoops me up into his arms and walks towards the bed. I feel a sudden jolt and then I hear Harry cry out in pain.


Harry stumbles after stubbing his toe on the bottom frame of the bed and drops me on the bed tumbling down on top of me.

I look up and I see the pain in his face as he pinches his eyes shut.


His bright emerald eyes pop open and stare into mine. He breathes heavily for a moment and I feel his chest rise and fall against mine. My heart starts to flutters the longer he stares into my eyes.

"Oh!" he leaps up "Sorry Riley.. I-um better get going. I'll come back when dinner is ready." He says looking at the ground and hurries out the door.

What the hell was that?! And why did I like it so much?


Omg so I really like this chapter. I love Harry and Riley's little moment together;) I hope you guy like it! I'm at 127 reads! Ahhhh thank you so much! xo

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