The Adventure Begins

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"Hello. I'm looking for Ruby Bell? Is she home?" Asked the sweet looking lady standing at the door.

She was dressed in a pink cardigan and bright green pants. The combination was sickening. Her light brown hair was in a ponytail that bounced when she walked. She was a thin woman, looking in her thirties, who had a smile that you could only see through if you looked carefully.

Eva tried not to scowl at her. Instead, she put on her sweetest face and said "oh yes, but she's just changing into some more sensible clothing. Do come in!"

The lady walked into the house. When she saw the two empty bowls of porridge she asked if she could sit down. "It's been a long journey, my sweet," she explained.

Ruby emerged from her bedroom in a black hoodie and dark blue pants. "Oh hello!" She said. The lady looked her up and down, obviously disliking the dark colours. "You must be Ruby! Oh, I've heard so much about you!" Exclaimed the lady. "My name's Carol." Carol gave Ruby a fake smile that to Eva looked like a shark greeting it's dinner.

"Now, Ruby, do you have someone to babysit the midget- sorry, girl, while you're gone? We have important business to attend to. Eva looked indignant. Ruby knew she stood no chance without her so she said "I'd rather she came along with us, wherever we're going."

"Well then, let's begin!" Said Carol, returning to her usual bubbly attitude.

Ruby BellWhere stories live. Discover now