The Car Trip

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"Ok girls, I'll explain it all when we're all in the car," said Carol. Ruby looked at Eva and she nodded. It'll be fine, mouthed Eva. Ruby got in the front seat of Carol's orange beetle and Eva got in the back. Carol started the car and they began their journey. They were silent for a while then Carol started to talk.

"Listen Ruby, this may sound weird-" she began. "Don't bother with intros, I've experienced enough weirdness today to know that anything's possible." "Oh. Ok. Well. On second thoughts I'll explain when we get there. It'll probably be easier."

The rest of the trip was silent. Eva wiggled in her seat a lot. Ruby was nervous and Carol seemed to be fighting an invisible battle in her head about wether she should tell them or not. After twenty minutes of awkward silence, Ruby fell asleep. Eva tried to sleep but she couldn't so she contented herself by watching Carol through half closed eyelids.

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