In the Dark

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"Hurry!" Whispered Carol. The three girls ran swiftly and quietly to the secret basement. Carol forced open the door and forced it shut again when they were all in. It was pitch black. Eva had been trying to speak but Carol had shushed her. Now, she spoke. "This won't work, they'll find us if we do this," she whispered urgently. "Shush!" Whispered Carol, pressing her ear against the door. Eva face palmed.

"I saw 'em, I did, I saw free girls runnin' to a door or somefin' like tha'. Please, boss, I swear!" "If you say so. Well, what door?" "Tha' one." "Great, force it open."

There was a banging sound. As it continued, Eva tugged on the adults sleeves and lead them to another door that Carol hadn't mentioned before. She forced it open and sunlight streamed in, just as the door behind them banged open. "RUN!!" Eva screamed and no one questioned her.

As they ran, they heard shouting. "DERE DEY ARE!! I SAW 'EM!" They ran blindly, not looking where they were going. They ran into a shop with charred children's toys that lead to another shop with several crates, three of them full of blackened fruit.

Carol tripped. Her face was buried in a pile of ash. Ruby rushed to her but she had fallen flat on her face and had been knocked unconscious. "What? What do we do?" Asked Ruby. "Leave her," said Eva, starting to run again. Ruby reluctantly stood up and ran after Eva. "What'll they do to her?" She asked. "Don't worry, they won't kill her," said Eva. Ruby looked quizzically at her. "Anyway, in the book, you stayed and got captured. At least it'll give them a distraction."

Ruby BellWhere stories live. Discover now