Ch. 2

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(Pretend all of Yamasaki's weapons are white and Zakai's are black.)
(3rd P.O.V.)
While the two sisters were asleep they didn't know that they were saying this while a shooting star passed them and their wish came true so they were magically transported into the Naruto world, but what they didn't know was that they would be awaken in a secret compound, with different parents too.
(Yamasaki's P.O.V.)
Woke up to find myself in a nightgown and to be laying on a mat.
I looked around to find around 5 years old girl with black hair the same way. I shook her  awake and when she saw me she screamed saying,
"Who are, why do you have white hair and look like a 5 year old and where is my sister?" She asked. I looked at my hair to find it surprisingly white.
"My name is Yamasaki and I'm trying to find sister too." I say in a sad tone.
"Yamasaki is that you?" The girl asked. Her voice sounded lile Zakai's.
"Wait Zakai is that you too? I questioned back.
"Yeah," Zakai said while hugging me and on the verge of tears
"Oh thank Jashin it is you, and why do we look like this Zakai?"
"Wait we look like the Nashiro twins from Tokyo Ghoul now that I think about it." She said while thinking hardly. I realize that last night we were wishing...

"Maybe when we fall asleep tonight we will magically transport to the Naruto as 5 years old and-"
"Kill "our" clan and become badass
S-ranked ninja be the most wanted in the whole world and we have blood, crystal, wood, music, ice, snow, steel, storm, dark, light, and explosion release like Deidara you know. And have-"
"Every single element and don't forget having a kekkei genkai that copies every other kekkei genkai. Also we'd be trained by Zabuza and Haku in kenjutsu too."
"How rude that you interrupt me and we'd look like the Nashiro twins from Tokyo Ghoul too. We'd be able to have the best singing voices and we'd have the boys fall in love with us and vice a versa. Like in the fanfictions we read."
" I don't think were in Kansas anymore." I say trying to sound funny.
"Haha so funny Yamasaki," she said sarcastically. "We all know I'm the funny one and now what did you really want to tell."
"Okay well remembered what we wished for last night?" I ask Zakai.
"Yeah," she replies trying to understand where I'm going with this.
"Well I think our wish came... true." I say nervously.
"So... COOOOL!" Zakai screams quietly
"Sooooooo what are we going to do Zak-" I was about to finish my sentence when I was interrupt by some guy slamming the door open saying,
"Hey BITCHES get your ASSES up here right now!" He said while yelling at us.
"No we don't even know you so why should we listen to you, you bastard." Zakai said emotionless.
"You little bitch have you never heard the term 'respect your elders.' " The man said while slapping my sister hard across the face. She cupped her cheek while looking at me.
"How dare you hit a little girl were only 5 years old and yet you hit her you know that is child abuse." I said angrily while kicking him across the room.
"That hurt like a fucking bitch," the man said while clenching his jaw. "It is time for punishment for you 2 bitches." The guy replies while dragging us out the door.
"Hey let us GO! Me and Zakai say in unison while struggling out of his grip.
"Hmph, your mother wouldn't like at all I think she'll want to punish you  this time because you hurt... daddy." Our dad says while grinning. No he can't be our dad he doesn't even look like us and he isn't our dad from the real world either.

Time Skip because I'm lazy

"Zakai are you okay," I say while trying to reach for her hand.
"Yamasaki," she looks at me giving away a stern expression.
"You and I both know we can't live like this with our so called parents, we have to kill them and if the rest of our clan acts like this to us too we have no choice but to kill them, no child our age or any age at all should have to go through this so what do you say." She asks while holding my hand tightly.
"Fine, only because I agree with with but this isn't going to be easy. We have to kill them all first, then if there is a libray here we haveto collect all the scrolls about the clan and chakra control too." I day with a serious expression.
"Okay, but how do we get out of this though." She asks while showing me her chained hands.
"I can try to make a shadow clone if I can remember the hand sign, give me a second," I say while performing the signs the best I can. "Okay and I think got it... Shadow Clone Jutsu! I whisper but loud enough for only Zakai to hear.
"I did it yeah!" I whispered cheered.
"Thats great and all but can you get us out now?" Zakai asks.
"Okay your out now, so can you get me out too?"
"Mmhm" She says while unchaining me.
"Okay your out so where do you think we can find any weapons at?" She says.
"Okay lets go up the stairs and see if we can find any weapons." I say.
"Okay." Zakai replies.
We walked up the stairs stealthy and we make sure the coast is clear and we go into the closest room to find it filled with several weapons.
"Woah," Zakai says in awe.
"Okay we each get 5 minutes, puck whatever weapons you want, and get a sword too so if we train with Zabuza he can teach us too, and GO!" I whispered yelled.
I pick up 5 ninja pouches filled with kunais and shurikens and 5 pouches filled with senbons, paper bombs food pills. And I look around and find a *pic above of Yamasaki's weapons* and *both of there weapons*, I also saw a black and a white cloak and 2 masks too that were big enough to last us until we were about 12.
(The cloaks and masks are basically the cover photo of them and their masks)
Okay now lets go find Zakai, I tell myself.
(Zakai's P.O.V.)

So Yamasaki and I decide to split up and look for weapons and while looking around there were so many choices. If Tenten was here she would probably pass out or fangirl and I would understand because it is like a dream, Oh-my-Jashin. I immediately picked up about 5 pouches filled with kunais and shurikens, 5 pouches filled with senbons, smoke bombs and a lot of steel wire, also a couple of jars filled with poison just in case and the antidotes too them. I saw *Pic of Zakai's weapons and both of there weapons* it was so cool! I decide that my 5 minutes were up so I decided to head back to Yamasaki but I picked up a bag along the way so it will be easier to carry out weapons. But when I found the weapon ring I put it on right away.
(3rd P.O.V.)
"What did you find!" said to each other quietly.
"I will go first, but before that... catch" Yamasaki whispered while tossing Zakai the black cloak and mask while putting on her own white cloak and mask that look identical to each others.
"Okay I'm done putting it on, now what did you find!" Zakai whispered yelled eager to see what her sister got.
Okay I got a pair of nunchucks, a double-bladed bo-staff, kamas, a yin yang fan, a white sword and case, metal tonfas, wolverine claws,and some of those foot spikes that you attach to your shoes, battle katar, a hidden senbon holder that you put on your arm with 3 white senbons, 2 daggers that you put between your fingers, 5 pouches filled with kunais and shurikens, and 5 pouches filled with senbons, paper bombs, and food pills. So what did you get?" Yamasaki asks.
"Okay I got a scythe, nunchucks, a black sword, chains, I'm guessing some kind of decapitation wire, a steel bo-staff, a ring with spikes on the top, a sai, also I got 5 pouches of kunais and shurikens, 5 pouches of senbons, smoke bombs and alot of steel wire, and also I got a battle katar, 2 daggers like yours, and also the senbon carrier that you got too with 3 senbons already in it too. And here us a bag we can put our weapons in too." Zakai says. They were about to put the weapons they weren't gonna use in the bag when they found it was filled with medical supplies. They looked to each and then Yamasaki said, "Well at least we have medical supplies now." She shrugged.
"Are there any scrolls that we can store these weapons in?" Zakai questioned.
"I think they're some scrolls over here." I say while showing her the way.
"Now do we even know how we seal these in a scroll?" Yamasaki said while mourning.
"I think I do but are there any pockets in these cloaks, because if there are we put the smaller weapons in there and use the biggest weapons we got." Zakai said. Hailey checks her cloak and finds a ton of pockets and tells Zakai. They attach their swords to their hips, place their nunchucks on the other side of their swords, put on 1 of each of the pouches they got on their thighs, put their daggers in their pouches too. Zakai discovered that her staff could spilt in half and she could use them as escrimas and they agreed on putting their battle katars in a scroll that Zakai was able to seal in their. Yamasaki placed her fan, foot spikes, kamas, tonfas in her pockets and put her staff on her back and decided that she was going to use her wolverine claws to kill the clan. Zakai put her chains, decapitation wire and bo-staff in her pockets, put her sai on her back and decided to use her scythe to kill the clan. They looked at each other and decided they looked fine and fixed their masks and went to look for a library. 

Time Skip to when they find the library because I'm lazy

(Still 3rd P.O.V.)

They finally found the library and they both split up to find scrolls about the clan and chakra control to make it faster they made shadow clones too. After collecting the scrolls they needed which was like 4 scrolls they decided to put their plan to action which was too...

Cliffhanger sorry about that but this was 1849 words long! Bye!

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