Ch. 11

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(3rd P.O.V.)
"I-I-I giv-ve up-p, y-you win." Sakura says shaky.
"Good choice, now get over here," Zakai  becokens her. Sakura walks over to her slowly holding her arm. Everyone watchs in awe and a feeling indescribable.
Sakura is treated now back in the classroom.
"So that's it for today and remember class graduation exams tomorrow." Iruka says.
Yamasaki and Zakai are the last ones walking out until.....
"Where do you think you two are going especiallyyou Zakai!" Iruka yells.
"Dammit," Zakai mutters.
"Zakai I can't believe you tried to kill Sakura I mean not that it would've of matter or anything..." Yamasaki says.
"Mhm," Iruka coughs. "I'm taking you two, to the Hokage's office to figure out what is actually going on with you two."
"Yes Iruka," The Hokage asked without looking up from his paperwork.
"Who are excatly are Zakai and Yamasaki because Zakai almost killed my student and they weren't even in the classroom for an hour?" Iruka points out. Hiruzen looks at us with an arched eyebrow.
"Hey," Zakai says holding her hands up. "Remember I made no promises."
"I have no right to tell you who they are they must tell you themselves." The Hokage says.
"Iruka-sensei I'll tell you who we are if you promise you won't try to kill us," Yamasaki says cutefully holding out her pinky.
"I promise," Iruka and her pinky promise with each other.
"So you know what the Bingo Book is right?" Yamasaki starts off.
"Yes why?"
"What are the top two people wanted?" She questions him.
"Yin and Yang why again?" Iruka asks.
"Well, we know who Yin and Yang are."
"Yes and you are yalking to Yang and Yin almost killed your student and you yelled at her." Yamasaki says with a closed eye smile. Iruka eyes go wide and then he slowly looks towards Zakai now knowing what she is capable of gulps because of how he was talking to her.  She gives him a closed eye smile to and lifts her hand up to what Iruka thought was a wave to be an imaginary slit to the throat, she gives a short giggle. Which he got meant watch your back!
"Now that you know this it is a secret between the four of us and if we hear you tell anyone well lets just it's either bye bye babies," Iruka covers his crotch area. "Or death~"
"Hey Old Man where we gonna live," Zakai asks. Old man tosses her two pairs of keys.
"The address is on there,"
"Ok thanks Old Man!" Zakai says as she drags Yamasaki out.
"Bye Iruka-Sensei!" The blackette and whitette yell in sync.
Thanks for reading I apologize for it being short but I hope you have a great summer vaction even though I'm not out yet.. BYE!!

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