Ch. 6

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"Who is he?"
(Zakai's P.O.V.)
Yamasaki and I looked at each other knowing that he was Shukaku.
"He is the Sand Spirit, Shukaku, the
One-Tailed Beast."
"Oh okay." Yamasaki said normally like she wasn't surprised. Gaara had wide eyes expecting us to be scared.
"Hey when you said, that the Sand didn't stop us does he control the sand?" I asked
"Yeah how did you know?"
"Lucky guess." I said.
(Nobody's P.O.V.)
After that day Zakai and Yamasaki became best of friends with the Sand Siblings. And have grown attached to the Village until their given a mission...


(3rd P.O.V.)
Zakai and Yamasaki were in the middle of weapon training when they were called to the Kazekage's office, meaning that were going on another mission. They were part of the Anbu Black Ops, they joined a month after staying in the village. The Hiro Twins poofed into the office on their knees waiting for orders.
"I've got a S-ranked mission for you girls, the mission is to assassinate Gaara of the Sand. Do you accept this mission, putting your life on line with it?"
"Kazekage with all do respect we must decline." Zakai said looking at the ground still on her knee.
"If you don't except this mission you will no longer be able to live in this village, become rogue ninjas to this village and be put into the Bingo Book. Are you willing for that to happen or will you accept the mission!" He said more furious at the end.
"As Zakai said we must decline this mission, sir." Yamasaki said.
"Fine, so be it, then I as Kazekage, hereby forbid you to ever set foot in this village again and are now Rouge nins. Go you have 1 hour to get your stuff and leave, if you aren't gone by then you will be killed."
Yamasaki and Zakai headed back to their apartment and packed/sealed all their things away. They were walking towards the Gates of Suna with several Anbu following them knowing what they can do. Once they were outside of the Village, they looked back knowing that they never got to say goodbye to Gaara and their friends.
(Gaara P.O.V.)
I was looking for Zakai-chan and Yamasaki-chan around the village when they didn’t come to our spot. I headed towards the manor. I entered into the living room and saw a crying Temari and Kankuro.
"Why are you guys crying?" I asked in my monotone voice.
"Gaara, Father sent Zakai and Yamasaki on a mission and they were killed during the middle of it." Temari said whimpering as Kankuro was rubbing her back also crying. Wh-what they're gone forever. How could they just die? My only friends, gone, never to be seen again. Hey, if you can hear me up there, I hope you rest peacefully. I'll make sure to put your graves at the spot. As I was thinking this I felt something wet on my face, I touched it. I. Was. Crying. I was depressed about my friends death. They were the nicest people in the world to me, not afraid of what I was or who I was.
(Yamasaki's P.O.V.)
We were kicked out of our village. Not knowing where to go next. Maybe to train with Zabuza and Haku if we can find them. I was back to reality when my sis started talking to me.
"Hey Yamasaki, just our luck look who it is wandering in the forest." I look ahead of me to see them. The Demon of the Mist, Zabuza and his apprentice Haku.
"Well how should we introduce ourselves." "I've got something in mind."
"I'm all yours Zakai." Psst, psst, psst, psst. "Got it Yamasaki?" "Yeah." "Well let's go." Our plan was put it on action.
"Hey Mr. can we ask you a favor?" I asked.
"What do you want?" Zabuza says.
"Do you have an updated Bingo Book for Suna?"
"Yeah sure, why?" He says pulling it out.
"We want to check something." We flipped after the introduction to the first page to see the Hiro Twins on it. We read the description, that other stuff and we were also known as Yin and Yang, cool. And you know what, it was mostly all LIES!
"Zakai, you see this, pssh stupid Kazekage with his lies to make us the most wanted."
"Wait... I know who you are. You're Yin and Yang." Zabuza says in shock.
"Zabuza-San, who is Yin and Yang?" Haku asks.
"Look at the pictures and then those girls." He said pointing at our pictures. Haku looks at the book reads everything then looks at us. Then double checks. And yeah he looks surprised too.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Zabuza asks again.
"Well, Zabuza Momochi and Haku, I'm Zakai Hiro and she's Yamasaki Hiro, nice to meet ya. And a couple hours ago we were kicked out of Suna for not accepting a mission." Zakai says.
"Well what were you guys suppose to do?" Surprisingly Haku asks.
"We were asked to assassinate our friend by his father, the Kazekage." I say.
"Well anyway, we were wondering if you could train us in kenjutsu and maybe ninjustu too?" Zakai asks.
"So how about Zabuza?"
"If you can beat me... then we got a deal." Zabuza says. Me and Zakai both shook his hand.
"Get ready, set, begin!" Haku says.
I pull out my double-bladed bo-staff while Zakai pulls out her sai. Meanwhile Zabuza pulls out his sword, also known as Kubikiribocho. I attacked first by slamming my staff where his head was but he dodged to the side. He came at me trying to hit my neck but Zakai blocked it for me. She spun towards Zabuza trying to slice his neck but he ducked it and kicked her, which she hit into the tree. I was going to go to her to see if she was alive but then, faintly, I heard a poof, letting me know she used the replacement justu. I sensed her above Zabuza she had her invisible wire out and had them all around us. Zabuza was running to attack me again but tripped a wire causing paper bombs to go off around us. Trees caged Zabuza both Zakai and I stood in front of the caged Zabuza. He looked at us, with a deadly glare and said,
"Get me out...NOW!" Zakai and I look at each other then him. And we fall to the ground laughing. Zabuza, a caged cow, hahaha. (Reader: How is that funny?
(A/N): It isn't, it's quite stupid. *sighs in shame*)
We got over that quickly.
"So because your trapped does that mean you'll train us?" I ask.
"Hmph, fine only because I want to get out." We got him out by using a wind justu.
"Hey Haku how old are you by the way?" Zakai asks him.
"Me? I thought you forgot about me. I'm 8 years old why?" Haku questions.
"Just wanted to know and also we're 8 too."
And that was the beginning of Zabuza's and Haku's training with The Hiro Twins for the next 4 years...

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