Chapter Eleven

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Harold Wagstaff's grin vanished as his jaw dropped. He looked flustered for a moment. "Wha...what did you say?" he stammered, looking into Jane's mischievous eyes.

"I said, you're Old Reliable!" Jane responded primly. "I'd know that penis anywhere," she added.

"But how?" Mr. Wagstaff asked, flummoxed. "We've never met, have we? There are only two women in my life who knew my cock is Old Reliable. The first was my late wife. She gave it the name. And the second was my executive assistant, Ms. Bottomly, who suggested I design and name a dildo after it, which I did. Now you walk in, and you immediately guess the truth. How is that possible? In nearly 30 years since my wife died, no other woman has ever connected me to Old Reliable. None has ever figured out the secret." His eyes narrowed in a frown as his raging erection began to subside. "Just how did you know?"

Jane answered truthfully. "Old Reliable is my absolutely favorite sex toy. My mother had one too. I've been using it for years when I didn't have a man around. I know every inch of it, every vein, bump, and ridge. And," she paused as she stared into his deep blue eyes, "I've always dreamed of finding a man equally endowed, but I never have. And now, here you are!" She paused and licked her lips. "It must be fate, or something," she added quietly.

"Or something." Mr. Wagstaff nodded.

"I suppose all this," she began tentatively, motioning to his lack of clothing from the waist down, "scares off many of the women applying for the job..."

Mr. Wagstaff laughed. "Yeah. Most women take one look and run. Some threaten a sexual harassment suit. The few who stick around find they can't or don't want to try it out. You'd think working at an adult novelty company would make them a bit more adventurous. But I see you're not running away..."

Jane stood her ground. "I told you, I'm not scared of it. If I can take Old Reliable easily, I figure I can deal with the real thing."

"That's pretty bold talk, all things considered," said Mr. Wagstaff.

"Not so much," said Jane, glancing down. "Besides, I notice you're not quite the man you were when I came in. You seem to" She smiled. Indeed, Mr. Wagstaff's erection had subsided and his penis, still rather long, seemed to hang forlornly between his legs. He sat back down in his chair and Jane sat down in a chair facing him.

"Well, your reaction surprised me. As I said, only two other women were not intimidated at first sight. Even the women I've successfully bedded have been hesitant at first, though most who went ahead and fucked me went away with smiles on their faces," Mr. Wagstaff boasted, a bit defensively it seemed to Jane.

"OK, you said there was your wife. And what about your secretary, Miss Bottomly? You've had sex with her? Is it part of the job?" asked Jane.

"Barbara?" exclaimed Mr. Wagstaff. Then he laughed again. "Well, I may have tried, many years ago, but Barbara took one look and said, 'Put that silly thing away. I'm not at all impressed. Besides, I play for the other team.' So Barbara hardly counts."

Jane said, "The 'other team'? You mean she's...a lesbian?"

"Exactly," said Wagstaff. "She let me down sexually. In fact, she really put me down, but her resume was far more impressive than any other candidate, so I hired her, and she's been a damn fine secretary. After my wife died, she helped me keep the business going and she had lots of great ideas for expanding our product line, including the Old Reliable dildo you seem to appreciate."

"That's a lot to take in," said Jane coyly. The double-entendre was not lost on Mr. Wagstaff.

"You don't know the half of it," replied Mr. Wagstaff, with a leering grin.

MRS. WAGSTAFF:  THE WICKED WIDOW OF WAVERLY WAYWhere stories live. Discover now