Chapter Six

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This first episode with Old Reliable was followed by more encounters--always when her mother was at work. Jane was always careful to wash and dry the device and replace him just as she had found him in his black velvet interior in his gold case and back in her mother's box of sex toys. Even though she knew her mother knew she knew where Old Reliable was kept, her mother had not formally offered his services to Jane. And indeed, Jane viewed Old Reliable as merely a way station on her path to finding a real man for her first true sexual experience.

Jane did not have long to wait to find out about sex with a real man. She soon found just the right candidate. That honor fell to one Eddie Mayfair, a co-worker. Jane figured that most women were seduced by a man for their first sexual experience. She was very proud of the fact that she did the seducing in her first episode. She was barely twenty at the time. By that time, she had experimented with all of her mother's toys--both the vibrating and the non-vibrating ones--and she knew what she liked and didn't like, sexually. She was anxious to have sex with a real man--and Eddie Mayfair proved to be just the right one. It was obvious to Jane when the two of them were assigned to do a project together at work that Eddie was sexually naive. In truth, Jane was too, except for her experiences with her mother's dildo and vibrator collection. Even so, as she and Eddie began to spend more and more time together, she began to feel those strange urges come upon her more and more often. She and Eddie would work on their project at the office, and sometimes even carry their work over to Jane's house, with Jane's mother often arriving home from her job just as Eddie was leaving to go home. Her mother seemed approving of Eddie, probably because he appeared "safe" and was very polite. Jane resolved that it was time for her sexual education to take a big leap forward. She waited for an afternoon when her mother had announced that she would be very late. Then she invited Eddie to come home with her to do more work on the project. Eddie agreed.

The afternoon wore on, and she and Eddie finished their project work for the day. Jane sat down next to the nerdy boy on her sofa. Eddie was of medium height and weight. He did have a nice headful of dark brown curly hair, but it flew all over the place, apparently never having been professionally cut or styled. His glasses did little for his face, and his demeanor was shy to the point of gawkiness. He spoke in a very soft, monotone. Jane imagined that any woman attempting to seduce him would be immediately successful because Eddie would have no idea what was happening or how to say "no."

Jane handed Eddie a glass of cola that she had spiked lightly with some of her mother's rum that was kept hidden (unsuccessfully) under the sink.

"Have a cola, Eddie," she said sweetly, placing the glass in his hands and sitting beside him with her drink.

"Um, thanks," he replied, gulping, and staring down into the glass.

She sipped on her drink and looked innocently at Eddie, encouraging him to drink his too. Eddie sipped and smiled. Jane smiled back. She began talking about the project and what they needed to do. This train in the conversation seemed to engage Eddie and he bubbled over with ideas as he continued to drink his spiked beverage. As the liquor took effect, Jane could tell that Eddie was becoming less and less inhibited and she scooted closer to him. Eventually, she took his empty glass from his hands and leaned into him. Eddie blushed noticeably. She rubbed against him and could feel his breath on her face. It felt nice and Eddie felt warm and comfortable. She realized that Eddie's shirt was untucked and so she gently edged her hand underneath it and rubbed the skin of his bare back. Eddie reacted noticeably, jumping a bit. As she positioned her other hand on his side and her mouth against his, Eddie let loose like a thoroughbred horse from the starting gate might, grabbing her around the waist and groaning with delight. Jane looked at him with heavy-lidded eyes. "Would you like to fuck me?" she asked with fake innocence.

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