Karoake night

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When I got to the auditorium doors, I could hear music blaring. Sounds like they already started. I wonder how many people are already signed up, and how long ill have to wait before I can actually sing...

I pushed open the door and walked up to the booth at the entrance.

"Kaila! You made it!" Said the squid who was operating the stand. "I almost thought you'd backed out on us."

"I'd never do that," I said. "Any chance to sing, is a chance I wouldn't miss for the world!" I thought back to how I had felt earlier in the day when I had tested the microphones. That had just been testing... How would it be with actual music onstage?

"Go right on in," she continued. "No charge, remember?"

I grinned. "Yes, I do remember."

"I'm Victoria by the way, but you can call me Tori."

"Thanks," I said. "Where do I sign up to sing?"

"Just over there," she replied, gesturing to a line of about 5 or 6 squids.

"Ok, thanks again Tori."

I walked over to the lineup and positioned myself at the back. Slowly the line progressed, and then I was at the front. Infront of me was an electronic screen on a stand, with a ton of songs listed on it. I scrolled through the list of songs, searching for one I would know. Maybe one of my songs are in here! From before I was captured!

Nope. I noticed I was back at the beginning of the list. No songs that I recognize as my own. I mean, even with my memory loss, I would remember my own song, right? Kinda weird since I'm suppose to be the most famous singer in Minecraft, but oh well, I don't really care right now.

I finally decided on the song "Slow Down" by Selena Gomez. I'm not sure why I recognize her name... As far as I know, I've never heard of her. It just came to mind, even though the original singer's name isn't listed.

After choosing my song, I went over to where the actual karaoke was going on. On the back wall, there was a projection of the lyrics to the song. Beside the stage was another screen, listing who is currently singing, and the squids that are waiting for their turn.

I was fourth on the list, since it took me so long to sign up for my song (3 squids sang while I was at the sign up station). All the better for me, only 3 more squids!

Currently onstage was a squid who was extremely off key. Kind of annoying how some people think they can sing, but they REALLY can't. It's also extremely annoying how I have to describe everyone as just simply "squid". There is hardly any difference in the way everyone looks. There are minor differences, like how I can tell Tori apart from the other squids, but no one looks extremely different, like me and Darien and John all do. Why don't we look like all the other squids anyways?!

I shrugged and pushed the matter aside. Only 2 squids now. I decided to take a look around the room. I noticed the DJ table (if that's what they're called) set up in a corner, with another familiar squid manning it. It was the other worker from earlier today. He waved when he saw me. I walked over to the table.

"Kaila! You're here! I almost thought you had forgotten!"

I laughed a little. "Almost exactly what Tori said. Sorry I'm a bit late, I got held up."

"No problem. I see you're third... Second on the list now!" He said, correcting himself as the screen changed. Only one more squid to go! "Can't wait to hear you sing."

"Don't make a big fuss over it," I said. "I'm just singing like everyone else here!"

"Yeah but with your reputation, I wouldn't say it's just ordinary singing..."

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