Living the dream!

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I woke up on a dark room. It took me a while to realize where I was, and even when I did it was hard to believe. Everything was square, even me! I was in Minecraft! (Sound familiar yet?)

It was then that I realized that this must be another dream. I mean, it was exactly the same as the one I had had earlier!

Across the room, I could just make out the shape of my captor. I was tilted so I was on my back, so even when I strained, I couldn't quite see them.

If I was correct, the table would swivel up in a second.

There it was. Suddenly the table tilted until I was almost in a standing position, only without my feet touching the ground.

The only thing different this time, was that I could see my captor clearly now. It wasn't a blurry mess anymore.

But I wasn't ready for what it really was. Maybe it would have been better if it was still a blurry mess. For standing infront of me was a squid wearing a lab coat.

"What do you want with me?!" I yelled across the room.

The squid turned and grinned at me. He was holding an amulet, that kind of looked like Sky's. It was a purple jewel encrusted into a butter rim.

I then realized that it was the same amulet that the guy who had attacked me was wearing. What was it for?

"I don't want anything FROM you, I want YOU," he held the amulet high in the air. "Ok, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

This wasn't anything like my previous dream now. I mean, the squid was talking to me. Was this a dream? Or not?

"Uhh, what are the two ways?" I asked.

"Hmm... Oh yes. The easy way. You wear this amulet and never EVER take it off. In return, you will get everything you ever wanted." He smiled evilly at me.

"And what might that be?" I questioned uncertainly.

"You will become a famous singer. You will travel all of Minecraft, and have all the fame and fortune you ever wanted. All you have to do, is put in this amulet..."

I raised an eyebrow at this. How did the squid know of my dream of becoming a singer?! I had never sang for anyone except my parents, for I was far too nervous. Sure, I take singing lessons, and my teacher says in really good, but how would a squid know this?! How long have they been watching me, and what else do they know?!

"What will it be Kaila?"

"How do you know my name!" I demanded. It was more of a statement than a question.

"We squids know things," he grinned. "Now make your decision."

I glared at him. What would happen if I said no? The offer was tempting. Endless fame and fortune. My dream come true. But this was a squid. I knew there would be a catch. What would happen when I put on the amulet?

"What happens when I put it on?" I asked in a suspicious tone.

"You become one of us," he shrugged. "Remember that guy the king sent to get you? He agreed to the amulet. Now he's the general of the Squid Army. That was what he wanted ever since he was a little boy. To become general of an army."

I thought back to when the guy had appeared in my house. Suddenly this dream was starting to feel more real.

"What happens if I say no?" I said. If I was going to make a life changing decision, I wanted to know both sides of the deal. Even though I already knew which side I was going to pick.

"You're not going to say no," he reapplied angrily.

So I had the choice of becoming a squid, and getting everything I ever wanted, or remaining loyal to the Sky Army and probably either going home or dying. Hard decision... NOT.


The squid scientist glared at me. "Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way..."

Then I felt a sharp stab of pain in my side. Suddenly everything started to fade, and I just faintly saw the squid slipped the jeweled amulet around my neck before I blacked out.

My last thought was: "No... I'm going to become a squid..."

The Story of a Squid GirlWhere stories live. Discover now