Placed in 2020, 13 year old Sophie moves from Idaho to L.A and attends a K-12 school, Foxfire academic academy. She struggles to fit in because of the recent travel. Will she fit in? Will she find friends and love? Read to find out. By the way Shann...
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I wake up on a wooden floor and to my dismay I have gashes all over my body.
(Sophie's thoughts and and what days she thought them. Unfortunately she keeps getting drugged. This is a journal the group gave her.)
February 12
They have hurt me and hurt me but I won't give up.
March 6
They drugged me so I was out for a month those sick@&$:&.
March 7
Today they rip my fingernails out.
March 8th
It hurt so bad, I cried and begged for mercy but they don't care. The feeling was unbearable.
April 8th
They drugged and starved me for a month only giving me occasional water. I need help but no one is there.
June 26
I don't remember anything besides being adopted by Edaline and Grady and Moving to L.A. I don't even remember my name.
September 4
They starved me, water deprived me hurt me and cut me and today they rip some of my hair out and nick my ear lobes.
September 5
I am strong but feeling your hair pulled out of your head hurt like heck. My earlobes aren't to bad
December 1
My hair grew back and today they cut my thighs.
December 2
The wounds are deep. I hope I die or escape soon.
December 27th
They found out my escape plan and whipped me badly. Some how I can still walk.
January 8th
Tomorrow I escape when they leave I will try to get home safely. I am not really sure I want to go on living though.
January 7th
This journal helped keep me going and I will be taking it with me to escape. If I don't make the escape I will die. They decided to kill me today.
Meanwhile in L.A
They searched and searched for her and declared her dead. Sophie had a funeral and everyone cried. Everyone pushed it to the back of their mind. Today is Monday and dame Alina declares it 11 months since Sophie went missing and everyone pays there respects to her. Keefe and Lila get together and Dex and Biana get together and Jensi and Marcella get together.
Biana's POV
Dex and I chock back tears after Dame Alina announced Sophie. She didn't deserve it. Keefe opened up about the kiss and if I had objected to kissing him she might still be here.
I see Keefe grab Lila by her waist and kiss her saying he will never let that happen to Lila or his hair. Typical Keefe trying to crack a joke even though he feels responsible for Sophie's death. I gather everyone Keefe, Lila, Dex, Jensi, Marcella, Fitz and Lihn.
"Hey guys lets have a sleepover and talk about Sophie's death, we haven't yet so I think we should." I say chocking back the tears. Everyone agrees and we choose to go to Havenfield so we can discuss this with Edaline and Grady, they already lost one daughter why did they have to lose another? I ask Grady and Edaline if this is okay and the reluctantly agree. They haven't had visitors since Sophie. It must be hard having two kids killed.
Dex's POV
"So what happened exactly" Edaline asks with tears already coming to her face.
"Keefe invited Sophie to sit with them and I got jealous that Sophie spent so much time with them so I distanced myself from her, if only I Hadn't." I said. I was already crying but didn't care after all she may be still alive if I hadn't been so selfish. Instead of being mad Edaline told me that Sophie and I were cousins by adoption which I already knew but everyone else gasped.
Lila's POV
"I didn't do anything wrong," I said trying to sound innocent. It worked out for me when Sophie died. Biana got Dex and I got Keefe, so Sophie stay dead. Everyone nodded there head. I would never wish her dead but it did work out.
Keefe's POV
"On the day of the sleep over we were at the pool and Sophie snuck off, I found her drowning an saved her. I won't lie, I could tell she was developing feelings for me," everyone but Biana gasped in shock, "but I liked Lila so I ignored her feelings." Grady got a furious look on his face. "We played hide and seek when we got to Everglen and played in teams. Sophie and I were paired. She suggested we hide under the house and when the hatch wouldn't open up I heard the kidnappers but assumed I was just hearing things. But just in case I held Sophie tight to me so I could protect her." I started crying so hard but I continued the story. " Sophie started getting anxious and pushed away but she tripped. I grabbed her but fell hoping to break her fall. When I opened my eyes we were kissing. She apologized and said it was an accident, which it was, and I teased her probably giving her the wrong idea." Sophie's parents were shocked. "That night we played truth or dare and was dared to kiss Biana. I didn't hesitate hoping sophie got the message and sophie sat there uncomfortably when almost everyone kissed everyone except Sophie who had only kissed me, I think she was jealous so she asked to use the bathroom. Everyone was so invested in the game no one really payed attention to her." Grady got up and punched me in the face. I deserved it Sophie was kidnapped because of me.
"It's not your fault my daughter got kidnapped because it sounds like they had this all planned out but you hurt her emotionally which made it easier for her to get kidnapped!" Grady yelled. I hated myself and no matter how sad everyone was she wasn't coming back.
I gathered my courage "during truth or dare she mentioned having a crush on Jaxson. I told the police this but they didn't care. I walked out after reading her note and saw that she was gone. I went through her phone when going back inside and noticed that Jaxson texted her saying they would meet soon on next Friday. I think he kidnapped her." Shortly after everyone walked to Sophie's room and fell asleep.
Sophie's POV
I ran as fast as I could ending up near a bunch of trees. If I don't die now I will soon. I feel thirsty and hungry and my body hurts unbearably bad. I know they are hunting me but for now I am safe. I get some rest but here people coming. When they fall asleep I steal their water and food and start on my way. After walking many miles I arrive in L.A. Unfortunately I only remember my parents and Foxfire nothing else. I wonder if I had any friends or a boy friend. I eat the food I stole and water for a month. I am starting to get hungry again I ask one of the fellow hobos what today is.
"Today is February 6th the day that Sophie girl got taken." Rob the hobo replies. I feel bad for her and I know how it feels.
I walk past a pasture knowing today is Monday and the house owners are probably gone. I decide to enter and see if maybe someone is home. A sign reads Havenfield and a piece of my hair gets stuck in it. I hated when my butt length hair got caught but that's what happens when you don't have access to scissors for a year. I pull it out and approach the huge house.
My mind gets dizzy and I wobble to the doorbell. I ring it and fall over, my back pack which has my journal of my hurting days, breaks my fall and I black out.
(It is a Monday at foxfire and it has
been a month since Biana/ Keefe and others went to visit Sophie's parents and a year since she was kidnapped. She only remembers her parents and foxfire.)