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I woke up to my face kinda sticky from crying and my hair was a absolute mess

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I woke up to my face kinda sticky from crying and my hair was a absolute mess. Hair pieces were sticking up every where.

When I pulled my comforter off careful to make sure Iggy stayed on, to my dismay I saw I still had on my day clothing. I walked over to my bathroom that was inside of my room to the right of my bed across from my door. I shut my bathroom door and got a hot shower started. I love hot showers they relax your muscles. I took off my shirt realizing my breasts were a little bigger but still not much there. I took off every thing else and walked passed my toilet. I opened the shower door and stepped on the white tile. I felt the hot water drizzling down me and it felt amazing. Steam was everywhere and my head got clouded.

Right now is perfect I don't have to think about class or homework or anything. I picked up the Tresseme shampoo and conditioner and put it in my hair and rinsed it out. I soaped my body with peppermint soap which was very expensive, and my body burnt but also numbed up in a good way. I turned the shower off and opened up the glass door. A rush of cool air came through, it felt amazing. I grabbed my puffy and long light pink towel and dried myself.

I put on my school uniform and registry pendent. I look at my self in the mirror. "Today is gonna be a long day." I say looking at myself. I can't help but be scared what if they don't like me, but I guess there is nothing I can do.

I brush my blonde hair and tie a brown piece of ribbon in the front of my hair. I got this ribbon from my biological mom so it is pretty special. I love the blue sparkly line in the middle and the way it ties in my hair so easily.

I walk to my bed and make it placing my blue elephant stuff animal at the top. My adoptive mom bought it for me when I was little and I never sleep with out Ella, that's her name.

I walk down stairs and hear my parents gasp.

"You are so beautiful Sophie" they say in unison. I take a seat at the cobble stone bar adjusting my stool to my height and mom hands me Bine Berry for breakfast. Bine Berry is all types of berries with melted sugar on top. It is very delicious but not as good as Mallowmelt.

When I finish I bring my plate to the sink and grab my Samsung phone and tell mom and dad goodbye. Mom remind me that my schedule was based off the test I took. I try to stall but they tell me to go or else I might miss the bus. As I open the glass door and leave I feel butterflies coming. I wish I could go back to Idaho. Will I ever see my friends again? I check my phone and see that it is 6:58.

At 7 a huge charter bus stops at my house. I gasp in shock. What kinda school has charter buses at there disposal? It is about 16ft tall and 70ft wide. I walk up the steps onto the bus and see a bunch of kids I take a seat behind the bus driver. Shoot I forgot my back pack. I get a little queasy from the thought and want to cry but I hold the tears back. It is not a big deal, I will get through today.

"We are here" the mean looking bus driver shouts.

There are two buildings and both behind a wall with a gate. I walk through the gate and hear a beep. Oh no what did I do. My body tenses up and I think I am about to cry. A person taps on my back. I turn around to see a boy who is a little shorter than me with strawberry blonde hair and periwinkle eyes. "That beep means you can go in, My names Dex and we better go in before the line gets held up to much."

"M-mm-my n-names Sophie," I mumble out. We walk inside to two buildings and Dex points to the one on the right. We walk through the double doors to a huge room of people gathered up with a beautiful lady standing on the stage.

"On Mondays we always have an assembly to announce things," Dex stated. Dex looked pretty happy and I was Happy I had a new friend. A huge smile crossed my face.

"Hello students," said the lady.

"That's Dame Alina," Dex said.

Dame Alina continued " In three weeks the Foxfire candy ball will take place, guys ask the girls," I shivered great I won't be invited.

"I won't take up to much of your time so my last announcement is welcome Sophie Foster."A bright spot light shined on me and I was shocked.

Everyone left the room and Dex and me had 1st period together. We walked past many red lockers and stopped at a room that had many desks and a teacher. Her name said Lady Galvin. She had thick brain hair and a manly body.

"A pity that the new girls late on the 1st day of school." Lady Galvin said. I lowered my head while Dex sat down. "Please sit in the back corner" she practically yelled. "Yes ma,am" I quietly said. I took my seat.

"As you know today the 10s are gonna show you 8s how to make acid. You may choose where to sit. 4 to a table. Come in tens." She said. Dex and a girl and guy with brown hair sat next to me. Great opportunity to make friends.

"Nice to meet you my names Sophie"

"My names Marcella" said the girl with brown hair.

"MyNamesJensiNiceToMeetYou" said the brown haired boy. He sounded like he ate coffee straight or just the caffeine. He was really fast talking so I just tried to understand him the best I could. At the front a loud group of people talked one with beautiful long brown hair that went to her waist and pale blue eyes and she was female, one female with red waist long healthy hair, she wore a crop top and a guy with short brown hair and nice muscles and light blues and to the left one with devilish blond hair and icy blue eyes and he was tall and had nice eyes to. I was a little jealous.

"The one with brown hair is the most popular girl in school she is an 8 and her name is Biana, the one with red hair is Biana's friend and her name is Lila she is a 10. Fitz is Biana's brother who is dating a Asian girl named Lihn who goes to a different school he is a 10, and the blonde is the most popular guy in school who everyone including Biana and Lila like he is a 10." Dex told me.

Dame Alina put black bowls on every desk and then handed me a schedule that a test earlier in the year decided.

1. Science

2. Language with the 10s

3. Humanities

4. Math


6. Dance lessons

7. P.E

8. Cooking

9. Advisory- mixed class

10. Manners

11. Medic class- 10s

12. Study hall

I had to classes with the tens, I am so nervous, they will probably make fun of me. She gave us directions to make acid we each made our own and the last direction called for .001 drops of Culfuric acid. The Culfuric acid slipped and I pored the vile in and the acid exploded on me. I screamed as the acid melted my skin and burned holes through my arms and legs. When Lady Galvin sprayed me I heard her ask for someone to carry me to the medical office then I blacked out.

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