Placed in 2020, 13 year old Sophie moves from Idaho to L.A and attends a K-12 school, Foxfire academic academy. She struggles to fit in because of the recent travel. Will she fit in? Will she find friends and love? Read to find out. By the way Shann...
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I fell asleep for the rest of the night and dreamed of acid and allergies. I woke up in a cold sweat, all my pajamas stuck to me and were hard to get off. I got ready for school. Downstairs was a note that said "went shopping," in cursive, mom probably wrote it, so I left the house forgetting to lock the doors. I waited on the corner of the street for the bus to come, this time with my back pack.
When I got to school Dex and I met up. "Hey Dex can you help me find locker 256?"
"That locker is next to mine," Dex said happily. I did a happy dance. What are the chances of me and my best friend getting the same locker.
I followed Dex through all the twist and turns before we reached my locker.
"Thank you, thank you,thank you,"I practically shouted in his ear. I was so lucky to have Dex as my Bestfriend. He told me to lick the DNA strip to open the locker. No way was I doing that today.
"Hey Dex what is you Instagram and phone number?" I asked. I was hoping he did not get the wrong idea.
"DexIsDaBomb," I chuckled, "and 6715428637." He said. I opened my phone and followed him on Insta then texted him
Me- Dis Dex right
Him- yup
I smiled. Marcella gave walked up and gave me her info and same as Jensi. We got in a group text then left for class. I was so happy me and my friends could text now.
I survived all the way till lunch, there was a limbium free section now, I face palmed.
"Yo Foster the limbium free section was my idea like it?" He asked. I should of guessed he would do that, it was just like him. He started playing with his hair talking about how great it was.
"So foster come sit with us at lunch." He said.
"Sure," it was a great opportunity to make new friends. I followed him to the table and sat down. The girls seemed a little jealous of me. I wanted to say nothing was going on between me and Keefe since they liked him so much but Keefe would probably get a kick out of that.
Lila whispered to me "Keefe is mine got it? I barley knew Keefe much less liked him.
Ignoring her I asked fitz his name.
"My name is fitz and yours?"
Keefe put his arm around me "this is Foster." The girls got super jealous and Biana almost said something. She opened her mouth but then shut it. Was Keefe trying to make my life harder? He was pretty adorable though, but I was still mad. I can't believe I thought he was adorable, I quickly stopped thinking about that.
"Actually my name is Sophie," I said while giving Keefe a death glare. He just laughed.
"Hey Sophie," Biana said " on Friday all of plus a couple more are going to the Pool then a sleepover want to come.
"Sure," I said. Maybe Biana realized I had no feelings for Keefe so she wanted to be my friend. I was so elated. I really wanted to be Biana's friend so of corse I would agree. Her face looked a little sympathetic but I just brushed it off. For the rest of the week Keefe was in deteniton.
When I got home I went strait to my mom and dads room. I turned the diamond door knob and made my voice confident. "Mom my friends invited me to a sleepover. Can I go?"
"Sure honey" she replied after looking up from her book. She was very invested in that book, it was called Hunger games by Suzin Collins. She quickly looked down again.
"Wait," dad said "will there be boys?"
"Y-yes," I said as confident as I could. You could see his wheels turning. Mom then nudged him.
"You can go but no going further than sitting 10 feet away from them!"
"Okay," I said out of joy. I got to go to my first real sleepover with boys. But the boys were not why I was there.
"Bring,bring" my stupid phone went off indicating a text. I grabbed my phone.
Jaxson- Sophie I am visiting L.A next week lets hangout
Jaxson- meet me at the big tree on Saturday at5
I could not believe Jaxson was visiting. I was so excited. About two minutes later I packed over night clothes and then a cute bikini and accidentally forgot pajamas.
I walked to the pool ready for the day to begin again.