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   "What is this place?" I ask as we pull up to a rustic diner in the more "ghetto" part of the city.
   "Can you read?" he says, gesturing towards the sign on the diner that simply reads Bella's Cafe.
   "Okay rude. Yes I can read, I've just never been here," I huff. He simply chuckles and un buckles his seatbelt, getting out of the car. I sit waiting for him to come open the door for me like he did when we left the house earlier but he heads towards the entrance doors. I purse my lips and get out the car myself.
    We walk inside and Rakim leads us to a table in the corner of the diner. It's awkward at first. Rakim just sits on his phone scrolling and tapping away and I do the same. I see I have a good morning text from Ryan, a boy from my chemistry class. I slightly smile and text him back good morning.
    "What's funny?" Rakim asks me. I abruptly look at him like a deer in headlights.
   "Nothing, why do you ask?" I respond.
    "You're smiling big as hell. Did your boyfriend text you or something?" He teases.
    "Okay no," I squint my eyes at him, "I don't have a boyfriend."
    "Why?" he asks me.
    "I don't know, I just don't," I shrug, looking at down at the table.
    "Yeah, I wouldn't wanna date your ugly ass either," he teases me even more.
    "Ok wow!" I exclaim, laughing causing him to laugh to.
    "Nah, I'm playing. You're cute," he flashes me that beautiful smile of his causing me to grin and roll my eyes. Our waiter soon approaches us with our drinks and then takes our orders.
    "So yesterday was your first time smoking?" he asks me as the waiter walks away.
    I slightly cringe remembering last nights events. "Yeah, it was."
    He chuckles at me while he takes a sip of his coffee. "Why?"
    "I don't know, it's just not something that ever appealed to me," I say.
     "Why'd it appeal to you last night then?" He questions me, raising an eyebrow.
     "I was drunk," I say with no emotion.
     "Drinking doesn't make you wanna smoke though," he says in a snarky tone. I revert my eyes to window behind him, trying to avoid eye contact. To be honest I don't know why I smoked last night. I've drank before, not a lot but I've done it like once or twice. But smoking is so out of my element. Hooking up is out of my element too. It was probably the beer goggles.
    Our food soon arrives and we began to munch. I guess it was because I just came off a high but I was scarfing my plate down my throat. Munchies are a real thing, I guess. I expect Rakim to say something similar to what he said last night to me whenever he first approached me, but he keeps his mouth shut.
    As we're eating, he gets a phone call. He swallows what's in house mouth and answers.
    "Right now?...I'm busy bro...give me like an hour...fuck, alright I'm coming," is all I hear from him. He hangs up and looks at me with an unreadable expression. "Yo, I gotta go."
     "Okay," I say nonchalantly.
     "Can you still get that uber?" He asks me. My eyes bulge.
     "What? Are you serious?" I exclaim.
      "I'm for real. I gotta go, here," he tosses me three $20 bills. I stare at him and the money in disbelief as he stands up. "I'll see you later," he pats my shoulder and walks out. I'm still in shock as I watch him hustle to his car and drive out the diner without even giving me a second look.
What the hell. This has officially been the most awkward 24 hours of my life. Nothing is making sense. I sincerely feel like I'm dreaming. Literally what the hell even happened. How the hell do you bring a stranger to somewhere they've never been and then ditch? Who the hell does that? Idiots that's who. He's an idiot. And what the well does he mean by "see you later"? We didn't swap numbers, snapchats, twitters, instagrams - nothing. And it's not like I've ever seen him before yesterday...unless he's seen me before. I don't even know. What I do know is I'm confused, tired, annoyed and ticked off. Niggas truly ain't shit.
    I decide to call up Ryan to come and pick me up. He begins to question me but I tell him we'll talk about it later.
    Ryan's a sweet guy. I guess you could say him and I are talking. It's nothing serious though. We just enjoy one another's company. Ryan's kind of like me in the sense that he doesn't go out much either. But he does like to experiment with different things. He wouldn't care that I went out last night but I do feel like he would care if he found out what I did last night and who I did it with. He's been cheated on before and it would break his heart if he found out. But technically I didn't cheat, him and I aren't together. What he doesn't know can't hurt him right? Ugh, I'm such a snake.
   He pulls up to diner slowly and I walk out to his car. I ruffle my hair a little bit as I plop down into his car.
    "Hey," he looks at me skeptically. I shoot him a small smile and sink myself down into his comfy seats. "You smell like weed," he says as he starts to drive. I purse my lips together, slightly nodding my head hoping that by being silent we can avoid conversation and then hopefully forget about this situation in the future and move on with life and be happily ever after. "Why?" he asks. Goddamn it.
    "I went to a party last night," I tell him.
     "Oh really? Which one?" he asks me.
     "I don't remember," I say.
      "Did you drink?" he questions, eyeballing me. I nod, suddenly feeling like a 5 year old getting in trouble with their parents.
      "Did you smoke? Because you smell like straight dank" he smirks, lightening the mood.
     "Yeah, I got drunk and I met this g-girl and she was cool and she shared some with me," I explain to him. He simply nods, believing my white lie and keeps driving.
     "I thought we talked about you smoking with me though, for your first time at least," he says.
    "I know, I'm sorry. It just happened, I don't know I got really drunk really fast."
     "It's okay baby," he grabs my hand and brings it up to his mouth, kissing it. I immediately feel better considering his kind gesture. He turns on his radio and we drive home listening to it in silence.

Rakim POV

As I'm walking out of my car, my buddy, Luther comes up to me.
"Bro, you're in deep shit. Boss man is pissed," he tells me with a concerned look on his face.
"What? Why? What's going on? What'd I do?" I question him. I didn't do shit. Well, not anything that I can think of. Well I did bring that Sophia chick to the diner but the dude wouldn't get pissy over that. And he also wouldn't get pissy about me hanging out with her last. Most of the time, I get pussy and I easily could have gotten pussy last night but that'd be going too far.
"The money from last night never got deposited," he informs me. I bite my lip and ball up my fists. I'm fucked. Luther gives me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as I walk into the house where all of our business is handled. I go to the living room to see Boss Man, Marcus, with a beer in his hand. He looks up at me and takes another swig of beer before asking me,
"Where the fuck is my money?"
"The money went through I don't know what you're talking about," I respond, not getting defensive because I didn't do shit and he needs to calm the fuck down.
"No it fucking didn't otherwise I wouldn't be asking you where my money is," he snaps. Now I'm mad too.
"Well that's not my fucking problem if the money didn't go through bc I got my cut s-" I get cut off by him smashing his beer bottle onto the floor.
"You stole my money didn't you?" He shoots up from his seat on the couch in rage, charging at me, pushing me into the wall. I shove him back off of me.
"No I fucking didn't bro chill out! I don't know what happened with your money that's something that you and pretty boy are gonna have to talk about, it's not something between me and you," I tell him.
    "Nah, you're gonna drive yourself over there and get my fucking money otherwise bad shit is gonna be coming for you. Get my fucking money," he shoves me one more time before walking away.
    I wanna call him a bitch but that would cause unnecessary drama. I bite my tongue hard to keep myself from doing any stupid shit as I storm back to my car.
Fuck this shit.

Hey y'all sorry if this was really long and dragged out I couldn't find the right stopping point but I think I ended the chapter very well. My friend and I have recently come up with a very interesting storyline and I'm really exited to continue writing this for y'all! sorry I suck at updating its been months but I think since now that I know the direction of the story I will be updating more! check out my friend anniexlouise and checkout her new story!!! ok ily bye 💕

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