Winter Wonderland

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We pull up to a dirt lot filled with splatters of dead grass. Cars are parked as neat as one can park in an unofficial parking lot. In the near horizon, I spot a flamboyant entrances that arches and reads "Winter Wonderland" in light blue and white lettering. The lights around the lettering flicker on and off which seems to makes the letters on the entrance, sparkle. Behind the sign, I spot massive rides and food trucks. The parking lot maybe run down, but this carnival sure isn't.

Rakim eventually finds a parking spot that's fairly far from the entrance, which is to be expected considering we arrived at around 8:30. As Rakim rummages around in the center consol, I unbuckle my seatbelt and push on the door handle but the door doesn't budge. Slighty annoyed with the fact that the doors are still locked, I turn to see Rakim still searching.

"What are you looking for?"

"My lighter," he breathes out.

"Lighter? For what? You don't need a lighter," I'm becoming weary. The only time one truly needs a lighter is for a barbeque or to ignite candels, not to go into a carnival.

"Chill, I just need it to light up my joint," he glances at me before shoving his head back into his console. I roll my eyes and look out the window, placing a hand on my forehead. This is annoying. This kid is actually about to smoke - not just smoke, but get high. Does he not realize that he's the driver, how the hell are we gonna get home if he's high? I hardly know the kid but it's becoming apparent that the screws aren't all there.

The car is still running and so is the stero. Hallucinations by DVSN plays. I turn it up, letting the music drift me away from this state of agitation.

Is it my imagination?

Or am I losing my mind?

I feel you my dude. I hum along with the lyrics, tapping my fingers against the window frame. I just wanna go ride some rides. I stare longingly at the carnival. We could already be inside, headed to our first ride if this dipshit would give up on finding his lighter. He's been looking for a good three minutes, his console isn't that deep. News flash, its not in there.

As if he can read my mind, Rakim reaches over me into the compartment in front of me.

"Hey!" I shriek at him, giving him a bafalled expression. He agknowledges me by throwing a couple of curses my way. How sweet.

"Yes," he whispers as he pulls out a bright red lighter from the compartment. I let out a sigh of relief, we are not one step closer to getting the hell out this car and into the carnival. "Sorry, babe. I'll smoke this real quick and we'll get in there, alright?" he looks at me with pleading eyes.

I nod, giving into his subtle puppy face. He smiles and winks all while pulling a joint out his pocket. He holds it between his thumb and index finger as he lights it and brings it to his mouth. He doesn't hold it for too long and soon my vision becomes slighty fogged by smoke. My throat begins to hurt a bit as do my lungs. I check all the windows to see that they are all shut. Great, he's hot boxing.

I simply slide down into my seat and return to my nortious position of staring out the window while my head rests in the palm of my hand. All I hear now is Drake's Controlla and the silent whistle noise that comes with Rakim blowing the smoke out. My vision continues to fog and my insides continue to burn.

"I know you said you don't, but do you want a hit?" Rakim asks me, breaking the silence.

"I'm good," is all I say. I don't even turn to look at him.

"C'mon. The carnival is so fucking lit when you're high," he urges me.

"It's lit when you're sober too," I snap back.

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