Build Up

695 24 13

Sophia's POV

I was completely caught off guard whenever I arrived to the frat house and saw Rakim. I was sure I would never see him again, yet here he was, in the flesh, looking good as ever. I quickly went from feeling lust to rage as this morning's events replayed in my head. 

He looked pretty happy to see me as he strolled over to me with a cocky grin on his face. Fine ass. 

"You stalking me or something?" he asked, his smile growing even bigger. He has such a nice smile oh my gosh. And that grill of his makes it even nicer. I wasn't going to make him aware of my undying lust towards him though. 

"No, we came to get her car," I replied coldly. He kept harassing me, accusing me of having a bland tone in my voice and having a nasty attitude. Talking to him made me more annoyed by the second. He's so fine yet so ignorant and such an ass for leaving me stranded this morning. 

"I'm gonna go start my car while you two catch up," Annie announces, trying to dismiss herself from the tense atmosphere that was forming between Rakim and I. 

Hell no, she's not gonna leave me alone with this kid again. 

"There's no catching up," I say, following her lead, wanting to leave Rakim behind once and for all. He's causing too much turbulence in my brain. Before I could even take a step away from him, Rakim grabs my arm and pulls me back from him, stating that we do have some catching up to do. 

I yank my arm away from him, looking up at him with disgust and also confusion. I don't understand what possessed him to grab my arm or even why he wants to talk to me so bad. We literally don't even know each other. 

"Now that your friend is gone, can you stop fronting?" he asks me. 

I wasn't fronting. I don't wanna talk to him, what he did was wrong. 

"I'm not fronting," I tell him, "I don't even know what you're talking about." I really don't. He keeps talking to me as if we know each other, which we don't. 

"You were so friendly last night, what happened?" he asks me. 

"I was drunk, I'm sober now. Also, did you forget that you ditched me in the middle of nowhere?" I snap at him, annoyed with this situation. 

His face twists into a sour expression as he looks off into the distance as he says, "Oh yeah, I had to go somewhere but it wasn't cool that I left you there." 

He's right, for once. It wasn't cool, not even slightest. I let him know this as I cross my arms, trying to make it apparent that his shenanigans were unacceptable. 

He pulls my arms apart and wraps them around his waist as he pulls me into a hug. I think about pulling away, but I don't. Partially because I could tell he was about to apologize and I was done being a bitch about the situation. And also because he's fine as hell and he can touch me anytime of day. 

"Yo, last night was cool. We vibed and I'm sorry for this morning," I feel his voice vibrate in his chest as my head lays against it. I feel like I'm on cloud 9 as I hear him apologize for his actions this morning. He pulls me back and gazes into my eyes before continuing. "But I don't think us being here right now is by chance, so give me your number and I can make up for what happened last night."

Now I'm on cloud 18. His eyes are so warm and brown and beautiful. I feel like I'm melting into his arms. How can I say no to him whenever he's looking at me like this. Maybe he's right about us being here at the same time is not by chance, but maybe by fate. I purse my lips as I pull out my phone and give it to him to put in his number, as if I'm in trance. A smile grow on his lips as he grabs my phone and puts his number in, causing me to smile too. 

"Text me, okay?" he looks into my eyes again, as he hands me back my phone. 

"Yeah, for sure," I reply, breathlessly. He grins again, winking at me before turning on his heels and starting back up to the house. 

I can't contain my smile as I head over to Annie's car and plop myself down in the passenger seat. She raises an eyebrow at me, silently questioning me on what just happened. 

"He gave me his number," I say pursing my lips, looking out the window as we drive away. 

"Oh really? You seem happy about it," she says. 

"I mean I guess," I reply. This is awkward. 

"What about Ryan? I know ya'll aren't together but ya'll are something and I don't want you to ruin that over some boy you just met," she warns me.

"I know, I know. It's nothing," I tell her. 

"It better be," she eyeballs me. The conversation ends there as we drive to the diner. We don't talk about it as we eat, instead she tells me about her how her night went. Pretty soon, the night is over as she drops me off at my apartment. We wish each other goodnight before she drives off and I go inside. 

I plop myself onto my couch as I twiddle with my phone. Ryan hasn't texted me, but we hung out for like half of the day so I don't expect anything. I scroll through my contacts, looking for Rakim's name but instead see "Rocky (;". The name was unfamiliar, so I assume it's him. 

Hey, it's Sophia

I press send and sit my phone down on the table. I let out a deep breath before turning on the TV, to distract myself as I await a response. Not even two minutes go by before my phone buzzing. 

Hey boo

I feel my face heat up as I smile at my phone. 

lol why'd you put ur name in my phone as Rocky?

That's my nickname

I read the message over and over again, debating on how to respond to that. Cute? Interesting? I don't know, I suck at flirting especially when it comes to flirting over text. Why do I wanna flirt with him anyways? I have Ryan...but Ryan and I aren't together. My thoughts are interrupted by my phone buzzing.

Damn, u gonna leave me on read already?

my b

I don't like that...imma have to punish you (;

Hell nah, chill out 

I laugh as I press send, feeling relaxed.

Nah nah I also gotta punish you for having an attitude with me earlier, ion like that either

Oopsies :p 

When can I see you? so I can punish you, of course

lmao I'm free whenever tbh

Tomorrow night? 

ugh, that means I'll be seeing you for the third day in a row

Don't front and act like you dont wanna see me, u know u luv me

Ha, you got jokes

Lmao, nah but fr is tomorrow night cool with you? 

Ya, im down with that

what are we gonna do?

Don't worry about it, just send me ur addy and wear some tight jeans (;

smh okay

I giggle as I press send, liking where this is going


ya this chapter kinda lame, but their relationship is growing how great! and omg I updated in timely manner, crazy. Anyways, hope ya'll like the story so far next chapter there will be a lot of Sophia and Rocky action so stay tuned. 

Sophia is so confusing right? One second she likes Rakim, next second she hates him, next second she's faithful to Ryan. Why is she so caught up over Rocky whenever she just met him and she has a man? Trust me, Sophia is just as confused as yall may be. Don't worry though, things will eventually make sense. 

Please share this story if you like and also comment what you think! I love getting feedback! 

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