Dear examinations, go to Tartarus

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It's after The Titan's curse but before the Battle of the Labyrinth

Percy's POV

"Annabeth", I whined for the umpteenth time.

"What is it Seaweed Brain? Can't you see that I'm studying for my exams? Just leave me alone", came her reply.

"Whaa-? I came all the way here from New York to spend some time with my best friend! Come on, you can study some other time." Ouch, the friendzone.


This has to stop. I mean, enough is enough. These examinations are taking my time away from her. I have to do something quickly. I sat in silence for a minute or so, before my brain provided me with a wonderful idea.

"So I heard about this girl...", I started.

Now this definitely caught her attention. She stopped writing and closed her book. She slowly turned around to face me.

" What did you just say?", she inquired me with her voice sharp and her eyes cold.

Oh well.

Think something you stinking algae. Say something to save your soul.

"Uhh.. I said that I heard about this girl who is always studying and she loves ignoring her best friend", I said.

She sighed and said," I think you keep forgetting that I am a child of Athena and I'm expected to do my best in all the subjects. Even if it is as horrid as English,"

" I understand but can't you like, take a break?", I asked.

She let out a deep breath.

I am screwed.

She then nodded.

Am I dreaming?

She then smiled.

Definitely dreaming.

"Let's get some snacks first. I'm starving", she said.

Together we made our way into the kitchen and then I immediately screamed,


She shook her head but we got to work. An hour later, we were munching on her cookies and we were talking about everything at the same time. How she set their school's 'queen bee' to her place, won the recent competition she participated in and how I won the swimming competition and how I practically have to stay up late night finishing my homework.

" I miss you at school. I wish you were there with me", I confessed. We were laying on her floor, shoulder to shoulder.

There was silence. Then, she shifted closer to me and she rested her head on my chest. After that she whispered, " Me too."

We laid like that for a while and then she got up and said," Well, you still have your homework and I still have to study for my exams."

"Aww man!", I said, irritated and I thought dear examinations, please go to Tartarus.

I don't think I mentioned it before but thank you for all of your reads and votes. I wrote this after I finished writing my own examinations. So vote, comment and never stop fangirling! ( But what if a boy is reading it? Then never stop fanboying! )

Ethereal: A series of Percabeth one shots Where stories live. Discover now