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                Tris's POV
    I ranked first. First.  An abnegation. A stiff.  A short girl that was weak and knew zip about fighting and defending myself in any matter. 
    Christina, Will, and Al pull me into a hug. I have been trying to forgive Al. I can forgive,  but I don't think will ever be able to forget what he did to me.  We all pull away from each other.  Will and Chris begin kissing,  a little to sloppily for my taste. 
     "Hey," A deep voice says from behind me.  I turn around and see Tobias.  He takes a step towards me. "Do you think a hug would give to much away?" He asks.  I shake my head and close most if the space between us. 
     "I don't really care," I say and kiss him. His lips move against mine as if it's an instinct.  His very muscular arms go around my waist,  pulling me closer to him.  I remember that we're not the only one's here and pull away even though that the last thing I wanted. 
    He smiles down at me.  He's so much taller than me.  "What the hell!?!" Chris yells.  People don't even then to look since yelling is apparently the normal around here. In abnegation it was different.  People we're quiet.  Here their are people in the halls practically sucking each others faces off.  There, they didn't even hold hands in public.  I only seen my parents kiss one and it wasn't on lips. 
     "Um, can we talk about this later?" I ask her.  She throws her head back and turns back around to Will.  Al looks confused and-and  angry.  "Are you okay Al?" I ask him.  He eyes Tobias up and down. 
    "Him? Tris, he's most likely just using you. Once he gets what he wants he'll drop you," Al tells me.  This reminds me if the conversation that I had with Tobias just before the rankings.  He's in this for that.  He wants an actual relationship.
     "What did you say?" Tobias says in a low,  murderous voice.  It even scares me.  I'm not scared of him, only when he's like this.  "Don't you dare think for even a second you know my damn intentions. So shut you damn mouth, Loudmouth son of a bitch," Tobias says.  I've never heard him talk like this. 
    "Whatever," he says before walking away.  I turn back around and face Tobias's chest.  So muscular.  Wonder what it looks like when I'm comfortable with him being without a shirt.  Wait what!?! "Wanna go back to my place for a little bit. So you can relax." I met out a shakey,  nervous breath.  Hopefully he didn't notice. 

Hello initiates, welcome.  If you're new to my stories, welcome welcome.  This story is mostly about  True getting used to this new relationship. As far as now, I don't see there being a sequel to this.  Anyways,  please comment your thoughts and ideas for later chapters.  Be brave 🔪🔪🔪- Veah

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