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Jenna's POV

I awoke from my phone furiously buzzing against the hard wood table, both Tatum and I curled up in the many blankets piled on top of us. We had moved my mattress into the living room, myself falling asleep immediately once I hit the pillow.

As I slowly got up like a zombie, my phone revealed I was receiving a FaceTime, Tyler's contact ID spread across the top. I swiped quickly not to miss it, only to realise I looked like a complete mess

"Good morning Bella" I heard Tyler chuckle as I tried to brush my hair with my fingers. Tatum was still asleep, myself quickly rushing to the kitchen so I didn't wake her. I smiled, looking at the boy on my screen, it seemed he was in the back of a van, his shirt nowhere to be seen

"Hey" I smiled, looking up to see the time was around ten in the morning. I was still feeling exhausted, but I had to fake a bright face for Tyler, just in case he tried showing any sort of concern for me

"How was your sleep, do you feel any better?" Tyler said, rubbing his nose as he spoke

"I fell asleep as soon as I could" I giggled, "but yeah, I'm okay"

"Good to hear"

"Tyler, I'm sorry I didn't get to stay longer last night, I don't know what's going on with me"

"No please don't apologise" he shook his head, "it doesn't matter now, you needed to rest"

I nodded at his response, allowing the pause of silence settle for a slight moment

"Anyway, tell me how the show was for you, how did you feel!" I tried to lighten the mood, Tyler's face brightening up as he began to make his words into sentences.

"Oh Jen, it was amazing! I've never felt so alive then I was on that stage" his eyes twinkled as he spoke, his smile growing with every sound he made. "The people who came, they get it, y'know? They can resonate with the words I speak, and that's so astounding to me"

"You're helping a lot of people, maybe even the majority of the world in the future" I smiled, watching as Tyler gushed over every aspect of his career

"They're a part of us now, and I feel like we're all a family. The clique family" he laughed


Tatum left to see her family and Zack, while I stayed at home watching whatever shows came up on the channels. It wasn't long before the hours turned into days, the whole weekend blowing away as I found having to drag myself into the shower to prepare for my days at work. Tyler called every day, sometimes even multiple times to show me different venues or the unique restaurants they could find in their journeys. I would be lying if I said I wasn't the slightest bit jealous, I really did want to be experiencing that by Tyler's side, but I just had to try and brush off any negative thoughts.

I had found myself becoming less involved in my work space, probably more seeing Tyler didn't walk through the door every morning like I was used to. I was always the first one to leave in the morning, Tyler greeting me with a small kiss on my cheek before I handed him his usual coffee. My coworkers caught on quite quickly, mostly keeping to themselves.

You see, I've always been the kind of person who wished I didn't have to pursue a career. It's such a social normality that I just can't relate to. I know that I should just be accepting to that fact I have to work for a living, but it truly wasn't what I felt was right. You should be doing what you love, you should enjoy every aspect of your life, but I couldn't find a career that I found myself wanting to devote myself to. I was the kid at school who had no idea what they wanted to do when they were older, my future being one I had never planned for.

I remember talking to Tyler about this one night, his understanding energy being something new and refreshing, something I had never encountered before. He told me that one day we would be able to do whatever we wanted, that one day he would make it happen.

God, I missed him

It hadn't even been a week yet, and I was already feeling incomplete


Short, kinda bad, idk

I went to the museum with a friend and once I got home at like 2 or 3 I fell asleep and omg I was so tired I slept until midnight

~ Viella

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