Chapter 2

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So here comes next part ^.^ Enjoy

I woke up from my phone ringing. I answered, without even looking who called. "Hello?" I said hoarsely. "Is this Lindsey Monroe?" voice in other side of phone aksed. "Yes, and who are YOU?" I groaned as I got up from bed. "I am officer Michel, mam'. I have some bad news." he said with sigh at end. "Something happened to your mother.... We are sorry for the loss." he continued after a moment of silence. "I should have called yesterday..." I said in shaky voice. "What do you mean? You knew?" officer sounded kinda shocked. "Yesterday I called her to tell her about my cat, but someone else picked the phone and laughed...." I said and my voice broke. There was a moment of silence again. "Ok, miss Monroe. Keep your door and windows locked and don't let any one inside your house." officer said un hung up. I dropped phone on bed and went to batroom. My eyes hurt and they were puffy from crying all night. I washed my face and when I looked in mirror, I saw a boy in reflection. He had pure white skin, red lips with carved smile over cheeks. His eyes were wierd. They had no eye lids only black circles around them. I turned around and there was no one. I again turned around and looked at mirror. I looked with shock at it. There was written "Go to sleep" with.... Blood... I ran out of the bathroom and to my room. I got my phone and dialed 911. As woman spoke I screamed in phone. "There's someone in my house! I think he killed my mom amd my cat! Please help me!" I screamed. "Please, calm down," she said calmly "Tell me address and send some cops there." I told her my addres and I herd steps in hallway. "I... He's coming.... F-faster!" I wispered in phone. "Police is on their way. Hide yourself and keep calm." she said. I quietly slid under my bed and breathed. Steps went silent and doors to my room slowly opened with a creak. I saw black sneakers and black dresspants. I heard sirens and that... guy... ran out of my room. I heard window break and some gun shots. I was so scared that I started to sob. I stayed until I heard steps. I only sobbed, I was almost killed. Something grabbed me by hand and pulled out me out of my hide out. I didn't open my eyes I just dug my face in something warm and soft. Someone held me as I cried. Suddenly I smelled blood. I forced to open my eyes and I looked at boy whom I saw in mirrors reflection. I stared at him with shock and he kinda smiled although he had smile carved in his face. He took his knife and put it's tip on my cheek. He slowly drew a line and pain shot trough my cheek. He dropped me on the floor and ran out side. After a moment police man rushed in my room. I laid on floor, stared at ceiling and let the cut on my cheek bleed. Police man picked me up and shouted, but i didn't hear a thing. My stare was blank and other police man rushed in my room. He pulled out phone and called someone. After second I blacked out.

Beep, beep, beep...

I woke up from constant beeping, my head hurt and my cheek hurt too. I touched my cheek and felt stiches. "So it was for real..." I wispered to myself. I pulled my self up and in that moment nurse came in room. "I see you"re awake. Few minutes ago you had a visitor." she smiled and pointed to roses on desk. "This was in roses." she handed me little note. I took it and read it. 'Sorry for that what happened. It was meant to kill you, not only blackout.' So he tried to kill me. "When I can go home?" I asked to nurse. "Well, according to medical records, you can go home today. And I think you should wait till morning." she giggled. I noticed it was late evening. "No, I would like to go home now." I said. Nurse dissconected me from system and helped me a little bit. As soon as possible I rushed out of hospital. I felt little dizzy, but that didn't stop me from runing home. I ran inside and locked door behind me. "That won't help you, Lindsey." someone said and I turned around. There was same boy who druged me. He was leaning against the wall. His knife was no where seen. "H-how do you know my name?" I asked and looked in his eyes. "I had my time to get to know you." he laughed and stood straight. I backed away a little, but doors stopped me. "Now you're in trap, little Lindsey." he laughed hystericaly. He presed me against the door by neck. Atleast I could still breath. I relaxed and it kinda shocked boy. He snapped out of shock and was ready to flung his knife in my chest. He stared in my eyes for moment and then hissed. He let me go and he ran out of my house through backdoors. I just watched as he ran away, I just waited for my death but nothing happedned. He just ran away. I know that he killed my mother. His laughter told me that.

I'll update as soon as I can ^.^

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