Chapter 13

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I got nothing to say...

Jeff yesterday told me that he has a dog. He was cute, but he smiled. Almost like Jeff. But I liked him. His name is Smile. Jeff said that Smile would watch over me when he's out killing. Sometimes I wish that Jeff killed less. I did my usual morning routine: shower and breakfast. Smile esqourted me to kitchen. In kitchen sitting by table were Ben and that blue masked jerk. I sat next to Ben. In kitchen after me came in Masky and Hoodie. Masky petted Smiles head and then sat next to me. Hoodie sat next to Masky. Last in kitchen came Slenderman. I just ate apple from fruit basket and wanted to go to Jeffs room but Slender stopped me. 'Go to my room. I will tell you every thing later.' Slender said and I and Smile  went to his room. I sat on couch, Smile laid on the carpet and we waited. After a moment Slender came in. 'I see that Jeff ordered Smile to keep an eye on you.' he said in my head. I nodded and smiled. 'I have an idea. I thought that we could try and fuse your two souls to...' he didn't finish because Gaija interupted him. 'No way!' She screamed. "Looks like Gaija doesn't wants that." I said. 'Well how about training? Maybe you can take over some of her powers?' Slender said. "So far I have seen is that she can summon undeads..." I said and looked at Slenders empty face. Slender nodded. 'Than lets try.' he said and teleported outside of house. 'Lets try. Try talk to Gaija an let her to use her power.' Slender said. 'This won't be easy Linds!' Gaija laughed. In mind I took her arm and melted it to mine. 'Hey! You can't do that! You tried to push me away!' Gaija said. Slowly whole arm in my mind was fused togheter. "Gaija, please help me!" I said in my mind. 'I will lend you my sight. No one will see what you see. And your eyes will stay like they are.' she said in defeat. I opened my eyes and every thing was black and white. From ground sticked out something like white ribbons. 'Those are places where you can sommon undeads. Brighter light from them more undeads await. Look for realy pale one.' she teached. I looked around and there was one pale ribbon. I walked over it and touched it lightly with hand. 'Now grab it and pull with our hand. If you use your hand you will grow weaker  and weaker by summon.' she said. I grabbed ribbon with two fingers and lightly pulled. Soon the earth around ribbon cracked and from crack cilmbed out a deer. It had thick mane and no skin on head, leaving clean skull for head. Sight turned back to coulors and deer stood still in front of me. 'He is controled by hand movemets, but you don't know any. Do a soft tossing motion to Slendy and then swift movement to forest.' She told and I did what she said. Deer slowly walked to Slender. When it was close enough I ordered it to run in to the forest with swift movement. After a while the deer turned in sands. Slender was surprised. I smiled. I saw Jeff walking through the forest and I ran to him. "Jeffy!" I said and hugged him. "Hey, Linds!" he hugged back and kissed me. It's been so long since we've kissed. He pulled away and looked at Slender, who was now at front doors. Jeff and I released from hug. He was almost inside when I saw something in forest. It charged at me and I screamed. After second I was tackled on ground. I looked in pure black eyes. It had black leather like skin, black bone teeth and neon orange tongue. From mouth poured out black ooze and it stank. I tried to move but I couldn't. "Lindsey!" I heard Jeff scream. The thing rose its clawed paw and striked at Jeff. They both fought. Jeffs hoodie was now ripped and beasts side was shiny from its black blood. Beast hissed and attacked me clawing my side. I screamed in pain and saw black stuff dripping of it not crimmson red blood. I looked at Slender then Jeff. I fell on my knees and smiled for last time...

So.... Yeah....

Have a good night/day! ^.^

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