11. Exposition.

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Todays topic: Facts about life.

"If a guy says your ugly, he's being mean. If a girl says your ugly, she's envious. If a little girl says your ugly, then damn, you UGLY!"


Its weird but, someone pointed out that the story doesn't incorporate the same 'voice' as me. Know what that means? Like the little stuff I put before the chap has a different feel than the story in general or something. Comment what u think....I'm just curious.


His pull on me was impenetrable. I don't know when I became so attached to this boy. But I just couldn't let him go. No mater how much it would cost me.

So I took a breath. Let go of the world I used to know and joined Tristan by the road side.

Back then, I didn't know what I was stepping into so willingly. So blinded with the illogical hope for bringing back the boy I used to know. If I could go back, I'd probably grab my wrist and run away screaming from there, away from him. Away from them.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°               Chapter Eleven                 °


                   (Didn't Edit)
      I slide down to the ground, sitting on the graveled road. His shoulders, which were around a foot away from mine, stiffen slightly when I sit. The same static pulse that had been growing between us, for about a month now, is stronger than ever and thumping with life. Almost like a gravitational pull, always tugging and urging me to come closer to him.

His legs are spread apart and bent up towards his body, with elbows on his knees and fingers thrust into his midnight black hair. His entire frame was quivering so much it looked almost like he was vibrating; with hands clenched in fist in his hair and his jaw locked. Overall, he exalted a wild and unstable state but also in a more peculiar way, slightly fragile. Almost in the sense that some small invincible string that was holding him together, was a breath away from snapping.

I take a shaking breath, wrapping my arms around my knees as I pull them up towards my body. My favorite pair of sneakers shuffling slightly on the sandy ground. Various tiny little shrubs surrounding the black and white, beat up old shoes. In front of us, the ground descends slightly before extending on into the undergrowth and low plants of the woods. Beyond those were the shadows of the thick, dense coniferous trees about eight feet away from us, extending miles across the boarder, all the way up and into Canada.

The air was pretty much silent, other than the frequent bird calls and overall light rustle and sounds of animals scurrying to return to their various dens for the rapidly approaching nightfall. All of this alerting us of the life, hidden from sight, in the never ending extend of trees that was on both sides of the road.

The light smell of pine, dead leaves and fresh earth waft in the frosty twilight air. Circling with the cold, around the exposed flesh on my arms. Raising goosebumps on my skin and making light shivers run through my body.

"He won't stop." His deep, voice cut through the silence sending a strong shiver all the way through my body. I stay silent waiting for him to continue, keeping my eyes low on the ground.

"I've tried to keep him at bay; to control his hunger. But it just seams to grow more everyday." His hands fall from his hair to dangle over his knees as his head shoots back towards the sky. He exhaled loudly a distant look coming over his features.

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