14. Choices

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Monophobia 14



I was giving my two niece and nephew a bath in the tub (They are five). Well he got out to pee and somehow she started to cry because she wanted a 'wee wee' too. Then my niece looked at my nephew and asked "Can I touch it?"

My nephew leaped away suddenly.

"No way -- you already broke yours off!"

It was freakin hilarious! I laughed so hard, i slipped and fell in the tub which just made me laugh harder.

Now im not allowed to give them a bath They are so cute.



"It's hopeless. Even Lance can't cure a bite that huge. She'll be dead before you get there."

"Not if I can help it." Tristan growled as his wings spread apart behind him.

"You stay with me okay? Don't fµcking listen to what he is saying. If we are going to do this I need you here with me." His face was set in determination.

He bent his knees slightly looking down at me. Then his eyes flashed up as he leaped at least twenty feet off the ground. His wings lifted up and slashed down wiping air out if the way. Wind blasted around us, as he cradled me closer into the warmth of his body and we soured into the clouds.


Tristans POV:


Had to go faster.

It was the only sane thought still running through the nightmare this day had become.

This wasn't suppose to happen. She didn't deserve this. I'd brought her into all this and now I have to watch her go through it.

I should have never accepted this when I knew the risk. I should have never taken her out when it feels like every time I'm around, she's a breath away from death.

This wasn't suppose to happen.

I'd practically signed the certificate of her doom with my mere existence in her life. I should have left long ago before any of this happened.

If anything happened to her because of me-no. The mere thought of losing her; of losing my sweet Carriel was enough to drive me into a rage of havoc and depression. Enough to rip me from the inside out.

Because the reality was I had no idea what I would do. Nobody did. Which I guess is the only reason Lance let me stay with her even after that night with Trixy.

I was a freaking time bomb waiting to happen and she was the only one with her hand on the 'pause' button. The only one keeping me safe. Keeping everyone safe. She held the reason all this shit was happening anyway and the only one that could put an end to it all.

But it was more than that.

She was so much more.

I slashed through the night, a blur to anyone or thing below that happened to look up into the darkened sky.

I could hear her heartbeat in my arms. From her chest which was right against mine as we flashed through the night.

I'd long started counting the beats in between since we took off. And the fact it was getting slower felt like it was the countdown to the end of my world.

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