chapter 1 : kill

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cause the death of (a person, animal, or other living thing).

Three Months Ago

The dim lights in the bar swung around as the noise increased. Halloween night was nearing and customers were increasing as the festival special offers were put up on the board outside. Halloween was one of the busiest times of the year, excluding Christmas of course. Niall Horan, a young college student, hurried around the bar quickly, balancing a tray of beers in his arms. The blonde served a group of young students in the farthest corner of the bar, his usual task on a Friday night.

"Enjoy your drinks," said Niall, his thick accent offering the usual waiter courtesy to the students. They acknowledged him with a nod and a slim brunnete among them smiled back at him. Niall grinned. Americans were so open and flirty. It had been less than a year since the Irish lad started university and he had already been with six American girls who had no problem with maintaining a no-strings-attatched kind of relationship. Before he could ensue his efforts to woe the beauty, he heard the welcome bells of the bar go off. He turned his head to the source of sound and grinned.

A lean, leather-clad dude walked in, attracting the attention of all the girls and even some guys. The lad however, appeared disinterested. He caught Niall's eye and walked straight to the bar's series of chairs - his way of saying get over here, dumbass.
Niall made his way to greet his best friend.

"Zayn," he said, happily. "What brings you here?"
"Writer's block," said the lad - Zayn - gruffily. "Needed a beer. Did I interrupt something?"
"Not really," said Niall, shrugging. He opened up a bottle of beer and passed it to Zayn. "You're paying for that, mate."
"Come on," groaned Zayn. "You know money's tight. And aren't you filthy rich already?"
"It's a cheep beer. Besides, the boss found out about me giving out free drinks last time," said Niall, wiping the table, pretending to look busy. "Old Bobby'O isn't paying me my full allowance this month, so I'm not rich either."

Coming from a well-off family of golfers, Niall never had any trouble with money before. That was up until his father found out that the money sent for textbooks had been spent on a strip club in honor of a friend's birthday. In no time, Niall had employed himself at the campus bar for extra cash. His allowance wasn't enough to satisfy his expensive tastes.

"Looks like your fling's about to leave, pal," said Zayn, observing the group Niall served earlier, getting up to leave. "Go get 'em."

Niall quickly leaped from his position and ran up to the group. He handed out a slip of paper to the brunnete who was immediately attracted to the Irish charm.
Niall came back grinning, cell phone in hand.
"What did you try this time?" asked Zayn, bored. "The love at first sight pick up line?"

"Nah," said the blonde, cheekily. "The I-think-you-forgot-this technique of handing your number to a pretty girl."

"Smooth," said Zayn, gulping down the last of his beer. He opened up his wallet and smashed a note on the table. "I have to get going. I still have three assignments to finish and I promised Mum I'd FaceTime tonight."

"Wait," said Niall. "Are we still on for tomorrow?" Niall and his best mates had a tradition of spending every weekend at fraternity parties, like every other young college student in America.Although his friends had been busier than ever lately, cramming for exams. Niall, being a culinary arts student, had no issues with that.
Zayn scoffed at his question.

"I doubt it, buddy," he said. "I have to write another chapter and Harry's on night duty. Pretty sure Louis said something about a case presentation, too."

"I have the most boring best friends on the planet." said Niall, watching Zayn make his way through the crowded bar, back to his dorm.

Outside, a storm began brewing.

Please read and vote for my story! It would mean so so so much to me x
Stream "This Town" by Niall Horan on Spotify while you're reading this. Niall and I would like that :P
Have a nice day/ night/ afternoon/ evening and keep that positive spirit going!
Byeeeeeee :D

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