chapter 17 : extirpate

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This chapter is dedicated to @larentsrmyparents who took the time to comment and vote and relieved me of my editing anxiety! You're a total sweetheart and I really hope this story met your expectations! Love ya! xx

eradicate or destroy completely.

Avery rested his chin on his hands. The recording Liam had played had definitely been of importance. Thankfully, Avery knew Gina well enough to know that her story wasn't bogus.

But what troubled him the most was the fact that his student had been shot. What had begun as a murder - a classic killing of a young girl, not uncommon in America - had quickly become something way more sinister.
The objective of the whole thing had turned from murder, to framing innocent people, to shooting them.

What bothered him more was his opponent. Perkins.

"Uh, Mr. Stark?" said Harry. "I asked you if we could leave."

"If you feel safe, you could," said Avery, distracted. "But if you feel like what happened to Mr.Tomlinson might occur again...You're free to stay."

"We're not afraid," said Liam. There was a determined light in his eyes. "We'll go. Oh, and Mr.Stark?"


"If you need us to take the stand, we're ready."

Avery smiled. Few college students would want to participate in incidents of criminal origin. Few would want to taint their image and involve themselves in things like murder. Things like that, if they went in the wrong direction, could ruin a kid's future. But not these boys. To Avery, it looked like they were family.

"We'll spend the night with Louis," said Harry. "See you tomorrow."

"Good luck, Mr.Stark," said Liam. "We're counting on you."


Anna Perkins was a competent lawyer. Competent was a nice way to put it.

Every superhero had an arch enemy. Batman and the Joker. Lex Luther and Superman. Avery and Perkins.

Although Avery wouldn't necessarily call himself a superhero, Perkins was dark and twisted.

He didn't mention his long standing rivalry with her to the boys - he didn't want to worry them more. Although he was certain Louis knew. He was his student after all.

Outside, the rain pattered heavily. He regretted not offering a ride to the boys.

The endgame had just begun.



"I asked you not to call me, Shahid," said the headmaster. He was staring outside his window. The sound of the rain was terrible. But he couldn't go back home and face his wife, could he?

"Tomorrow," said Shahid, ignoring Simon.

"I know." said Simon. "I'm ready."


In a jail cell, Zayn sat down beside Niall, ruffling his dirty blonde hair.

"We're ready." He said.

So we're nearing the end huh..I'm emotional. See yall in the next chapter (hopefully)

Please vote? I added a beautiful picture of Zayn for you!
And leave a nice comment that'll make me gush for the next few weeks, maybe? Thanks x

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