chapter 7 : eradicate

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destroy completely; put an end to.

"So you found this in a plank and decided to just flick it?" asked Harry. "Why? What if he finds out?"

"If he doesn't want me to know about it, he probably wouldn't ask me about it," explained Zayn. "Him hiding it clearly indicates that I wasn't supposed to know about it."

"What if you're reading in to the situation too much?" said Louis. "It could be his porno phone for all you know."

"There's only one way for you to find out," said Liam, snatching the phone.
"What are you doing?!" exclaimed Harry.
"Checking the phone for its contents."
"What if his nudes are on it?" remarked Louis,
"I'm pretty sure he doesn't take nudes," said Zayn, munching on his burger.
"Everyone takes nudes." said Louis,

"I don't." said all the boys in unison. Louis colored deeply.

"What's on the phone, anyway?" asked Louis.
"Pictures," said Liam. "of Cassie."
All the boys gathered around the phone. Every picture in the gallery was of Cassie.
"It looks like she isn't aware that she's being photographed in some of these pictures," noted Zayn. "Cassie told you about a stalker, didn't she?" Zayn looked in Niall's direction. Niall nodded.

"So wait," said Liam. "Does this mean Andy is the stalker? Or worse, the killer?!"
The room fell silent.
"That means you're living with a killer," said Harry. "Zayn, you need to move out!"
"That would also mean you're best friends with a killer," said Niall, softly. "Because I don't remember anything."

Zayn glared at Harry.
"Relax," said Zayn. "I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself. As for Andy being a stalker, it would make sense."

"How?" asked Liam.

"He told me he wasn't over her despite their break up," explained Zayn. "He even kept their picture on his desk long after they broke up but discarded it immediately after she died. Like he wanted to erase any link with her."

"Wait," said Louis, looking up. "This phone isn't locked."
"So?" said Liam.
"If I was creepily stalking a girl and didn't want anyone to know about it," said Louis, "I would be very secretive about my phone. I wouldn't store it an a bloody plank either. I'd be more careful."
"But what if Andy isn't that smart?" asked Harry.

The room fell silent again. Louis stood up. "I have to get my classes rescheduled."
"Wait," said Harry. "Do you really want to visit the Eagle now? I mean, his daughter was killed."

Liam looked at Niall staring dejectedly out of the window. They had to help somehow.
"I have to get my novel manuscript back from him," said Zayn. "But I have a class."
"Wait, what?!" exclaimed Harry. "Why did you give him your manuscript?"

"He saw me holding it and insisted on reading it," said Zayn, shrugging. "Louis, could you pick it up for me?"
Louis nodded. They began leaving the room when Harry stopped them.
"What about the phone?" asked Harry. "We can't just leave it here. That would make us look guilty."

"Maybe we could hide it in Niall's apartment." suggested Louis. Niall paled.
"I'll keep it," offered Liam. "I don't study here anyway. Its safe with me."


"Cassie was my best friend," explained Eleanor. "We knew each other for a while now. But she had been getting distant lately."

"Distant how?" asked Detective Brooks. Eleanor took another sip from her coffee.
"She stopped returning my calls," said Eleanor. "Always said she was busy whenever I wanted to hang out, too. I thought I was the only person she was treating this way but her mom told me she was behaving weird from the past couple of weeks."

"Did she mention being under threat or being stalked by someone?" asked Detective Brooks.

"Cassie never really told me about a stalker," said Eleanor. "but on the night she died..I.."
"You what?"

"I got a call from her," said Eleanor, hesitantly. "She called me but I was mad at her for ignoring me so I let it go to voicemail."

"And what did the voicemail say?"
Eleanor pulled out her phone and placed it on the desk. She opened the voicemail Cassie had sent her, with trembling fingers and pressed play.

"El, El I'm really sorry for ignoring you," said the voice - Cassie. It sounded like she was crying. "Look, you're probably pissed at me right now but I need your help. There's this guy..there's this guy, El! He won't leave me alone..El please help me. You're the only one who can. El -"

Detective Brooks played the voicemail three more times. Tears sprang out of Eleanor's eyes.
"I didn't know," she said, softly. "I didn't know she was in danger."
"Did Cassie have any boyfriends or ex-boyfriends?" asked Brooks.

"Cassie didn't date much," explained Eleanor. "She'd only ever been with one guy - Andy. But she broke up with him shortly after they began dating. She said he was too childish and clingy and that she wanted a much more mature guy."

"Did Cassie ever mention a guy called Niall Horan?"
"She told me she was going on a date with him on Halloween night," said Eleanor. "She didn't sound too excited about it, though."

"Thank you for your time, Ms. Calder," said Detective Brooks, grimly. She handed Eleanor a card. "Contact us if you remember anything relevant to the case. We'll be in touch with you."

Detective Brooks stepped out of the cafe and flipped open her phone. So far, all the interrogations had been a mess. Niall Horan - their prime suspect - didn't remember anything and had been released due to lack of motive. Cassie Cowell's mother just cried and provided inconclusive information.

The only people left to interview were Andy Samuel and Cassie's father - who had promised to speak to her this morning.
Suddenly, her phone rang.

"Hello, Detective Brooks," came a voice. "I think I found the killer."


As Liam walked back to his college, he noticed a bunch of cops.

"Hey, any updates on that girl's case?" asked one of the cops. Liam ducked behind the bushes to get a better hearing.
"Nah," said another. "They aren't getting anywhere. Brooks told me they'll dig around for a bit but if they don't find anything, the Horan kid is going to go under trial."
"Seems a bit unfair, doesn't it?"
"Her father wants fast justice," said the first cop. "It's just the way the law works."
"I heard his prints are all over the knife."
"Kids these days."

Liam's blood ran cold. Shit.

"When are they wrapping up the investigation?"
"Five days, apparently."

"Done eavesdropping?" came a female voice. Liam stood up immediately, coming face to face with a tall brunette.
"Eleanor Calder," she said, sticking out her hand. "I think I can help you."

Ooooh! I just hit 40 reads which is a lot for me! Thank you so much for reading! Please make sure to vote. Chapter 8 is currently under editing and will be published ASAP! Have a nice day!

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