chapter 14 : vitiate

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Zayn sat in his and Niall's shared cell, rubbing the region between his eyebrows. Niall had been restless the entire time and Zayn wasn't really in the mood to talk. But he asked anyway.

"What did your family say?"

"My mum wasn't impressed," said Niall, dejected. "Said there were no business flights available and that her book club meet was tomorrow.."

Zayn chuckled. "Your mum was worried about some book club meet more than her own son being convicted of murder? That's not new."

"That's good ol' Maurice for you, mate," said Niall, laughing.

For a minute, they were quiet.

"This has been wild," admitted Zayn.

"Sure has," said Niall. "I'm sorry, mate. Looks like I dragged everyone into this mess, didn't I?"

"Stop being so condescending towards yourself, yeah?" said Zayn. "No one's pissed at ya. We'll get through it like we always do."

Before Niall could reply, they both stopped abruptly. Someone was in the station.

"This is the last of her belongings, ma'am," said a detective.

Zayn and Niall quietly observed the woman who had just entered the station. Dull blonde, thick make up and gray eyes.

"Cassie's mum?" mouthed Zayn to Niall. Niall shrugged.

She went through the belongings, holding each close to her heart. A locket, a photo frame, a certificate..
She became hysterical and began sobbing.

"My poor, poor baby.." sobbed the woman. "How could they do this to you?! That - that jerk!"

Zayn and Niall glanced at each other.
The detective held on to her shoulder as she cried. Suddenly out of nowhere, Detective Brooks came out.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Gina," she said, not looking sorry at all.

"Step away from me!" snarled the woman - Gina. "You wrecked my life! You wrecked everything! You took away my only daughter! My sunshine -"

"Holy cow," muttered Niall.

Gina was immediately ushered out of the cell. Brooks grabbed her phone and stepped out, too.

"Do you think she was talking about Cowell?" Asked Niall.
Zayn shrugged.

"I'll be right back," said Zayn, standing up. He motioned for the nearest cop to come closer. When she did, he asked, "Can I have my phone call now?"

The cop looked uncertain.

"I'm allowed one call, right?" Said Zayn. "I haven't taken it, yet. I want to call my mum."

Niall looked at Zayn quizzically. What was he doing?

The cop ushered Zayn out of his cell and dragged him to the telephone. He yanked his arm free. "I can walk on my own, thank you."

With his eyes, he signalled Niall to call the cop. "Distract her," he mouthed.

"Excuse me, Detective?" called out Niall, from the cell. "I need to pee."

Zayn grinned. The detective sighed. "I'm going to go take care of that... Damn, why am I the only one here? Listen, kid, no nonsense or I'll beat you up, alright?"

"No nonsense," he agreed. He watched the cop walk towards Niall and quickly picked up the phone. He dialled Louis's number instead of his mum's.

Louis picked up on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Lou, it's me," said Zayn, quickly. "I don't have much time."

"Wha - okay."

"Call Avery. Or do something. But look into Cowell's wife, okay?"

"Cowell's wife? What's she got to do with this?!"

Zayn gritted his teeth. The cop was coming back to him. "You're a lawyer. Figure it out."

He quickly hung up and followed the detective back to his cell.


"Cowell's wife..Cowell's wife.." murmured Liam.

"What could he possibly mean?" tried Harry. "Zayn wouldn't have risked his one phone call to us if it wasn't important.."

Louis sat silently. There was something about his mention of wife that got him thinking. Something from one of his classes.

"Guys," he said, suddenly. "I think I know what Zayn meant!"

"What?!" exclaimed Liam and Harry.

"No time to explain," said Louis. "Come on. We have to talk to Gina Cowell."

As they quickly walked to Cowell's residence, Liam couldn't help but ask,

"Are you sure about this?"

"I had a class a few days ago," explained Louis. "The defendant was a man who had murdered his mistress."

"Sounds similar to our case," said Harry. "We have to turn right here."

The boys turned, not noticing they were being followed by a blue Impala.

"Well the lawyer - Professor Avery - exposed the guy by bringing his wife on the stand," said Louis, slightly out of breath.

"So we bring Gina to the stand?" asked Liam. "What if she doesn't agree?"

Before any of the boys could reply, a loud bang erupted from behind them.

"Oh my God," said Harry. "Louis."

The blue car sped away, at the speed of lightning.

Louis had been shot.

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