chapter 13 : lynch

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(of a group of people) kill (someone) for an alleged offence without a legal trial, especially by hanging.

Avery Stark was a professional with a flair for cases which were exceedingly difficult and almost impossible to win.

In his career of fifteen years, there was no case he couldn't slam dunk.

So when a young and perturbed student of his explained his situation, Avery found no difficulty in taking on the case of the young accused - Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. He sat across the latter in a jail cell, observing him.

Lean, leather-clad and handsome. There was something mysterious about his appearance.

"I see," spoke Avery, deeply. "As far as I'm concerned, your story can play out in our favor if we make the right moves. Don't say anything unless you're asked about it and answer very briefly, understand?"

Zayn nodded. After a while, he said, "I'm not the one you should be reassuring. It's Niall."

"You care for him a lot for someone who's just his friend." noted Avery, standing up.

"He's my brother," said Zayn. "I have to look out for him."

He nodded and walked out. He noticed the blonde kid - Niall - on the phone.

"Professor, what happened?" asked Louis, nervously.

"Well, I spoke to the boys," said Avery. "We have the case in our hands if we play it right. No need to worry."

"And when is the trial?" enquired Harry.


"What about Brooks?" asked Liam. "Did she ask anything during the questioning?"

"Nothing you haven't already been questioned about, boys," said Avery. "I tried convincing the cops to let the boys go for tonight but they have strict orders to detain them."

"So.." said Harry, uncertainly.

"So we wait," said Avery, firmly. "Tomorrow, we present. I suggest you all to get a good night's sleep. As for your friends, they'll be fine. They're sharing a cell."

The boys uncertainly moved out of the station. They wanted nothing more than to be with their friends at this difficult time but it was nearly impossible to see them.

Only family and lawyer, the cops had said.

Harry looked up at the skies. A light sleet had begun. Snow was ascending to rain. Shaking his wet curls, he wondered if it was a good idea for Zayn not to tell his parents about this.

"Listen," said Louis, breaking the other two from their thoughts. "Avery is the best lawyer I know. The best. We have nothing to worry about, okay? They'll be out tomorrow and it'll all seem like a joke."

The other two nodded gravely. All they could do tonight was sleep.

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