chapter 10 : obliterate

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destroy utterly; wipe out.

In a dark room, a man sat down, lighting up a smoke. His laptop screen was the only source of light, glowing faintly over the expanse of the room. On the screen were several applications and job-search websites. His mouth turned into a cold sneer. He leaned back in his chair and turned away from the laptop. He picked up his cellphone and opened up the contacts. He dialed a certain number and smiled when he heard the satisfying sound of the ringing in his drawers. Strings were pulled and the cellphone was obtained.
The man flipped his contact card between his fingers. "Shahid Khan, Professor of Precalculus, Oakwood."
He sighed. Not anymore.
But it was worth it.
The world was rid of one liar. And no one had to know about his involvement to the case.


On his way back home, Andy couldn't help but shiver. The man he had just visited was unlike any other individual he had ever met. Sinister and threatening. Andy hoped he would never have to talk to him again. He shoved his nervous hands into his pockets.
"You didn't see anything," the Eagle had said. "You saw a dead body, you panicked, you fled. After you recollected your thoughts, you called the police. You didn't spot anyone but the boy on the crime scene."
At that moment, Andy was willing to lie about anything, just to get his name cleared. But the fact that the Eagle was covering for his own daughter's murder seemed a little unbelievable.
"Take this cellphone," the other man had said. "And place it in an area of your room used by your roommate. Don't spill the beans. Do this and your record is clean."
Andy was desperate. Helpless. Hopeful. So of course he obeyed the two men. But now he wasn't sure if it was a good idea. He wasn't sure which of the two men murdered Cassie- or if they murdered her at all.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he realized he was being followed.
"We need to talk."

To everyone who has read my story, I'm so sorry for not updating in 2 months! With exams and my tab malfunctioning and having a writer's block, I just couldn't bring myself to continue. But now I'm back and I promise I will finish it!
Vote, read and comment! Thank you!

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