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I dedicate this chapter to @writtenbyH ! Thanks for the lovely comments!

Ice cream and pizza lay on the hospital sheets.

"So..mmf..so tasty!" exclaimed Niall.

"Relax, pal," said Louis. "The food isn't going to run away!"

"I'm so happy I don't have to say goodbye to pizza," said Niall, blissfully.

Zayn laughed. "Tell me about it."

"No but this will literally be the wildest thing ever," said Liam. "Can you imagine telling our kids one day that you guys almost got arrested?"

"There goes Liam thinking about the future again," said Louis. "What a bloody twat."

"Just think -"

"Liam, I've  been shot," said Louis. "I don't want to think. I just want my raspberry ice cream. "

"Don't eat too much of that stuff," said Harry. "It could be bad for your health -"

"You know what?" said Louis. "Sometimes I wish all you wankers would just go to jail and never return. Pains in the ass."

"Careful what you wish for," said Zayn. "I can't afford not telling my parents again."

Everyone laughed.

Just then, a nurse walked in, checked Louis's IV and walked out.

"She's a bird, isn't she?" cooed Louis. "What say, Niall? Wanna work your charm on her?"

"I think I'm good for now," said Niall. "Don't want to end up unconscious with a dead body next to me, again. I've had a fair experience of that."

Liam smiled. Louis was right. In the end, it just became another memory on the list of memories. It was something they would joke about for the years to come. He looked at Zayn and Niall and thanked his lucky stars that he was fortunate to have his friends with him. Sure, they had been dragged around into a mess, they had been shot, disappointed, worried..whatnot. But whatever it was, they were together. And that was the most important part. They were family. And family always stuck together.

Suddenly, the boys grew silent.

"Liam's going to do it!" yelled Harry. "He's closing in!"
"Run!" said Niall.
"I can't run, you bloody twats!" exclaimed Louis.
"Shit, this has gone too far," said Zayn, laughing.

"I just wanted a group hug." said Liam, pouting, his arms spread out wide.

And there it was. Their happy ending in a hospital room.

Wow. I have no words to say. I do want to acknowledge certain people.

First off, I would like to thank my sister! She's a medical student herself so it wasn't too hard for me to build Harry's character. The main reason why I give her my everlasting gratitude is because she inspired me to write this story, gave me all her constructive criticism and of course, motivated me to go on! You're pretty awesome! (That's all you're going to get, sorry :P)

Secondly, I would like to thank One Direction. I know it's weird but think of it this way - if the boys had never been put in a group on the X FACTOR, I wouldn't be here. My story wouldn't be here. And neither would many others. And I've always been insecure about my writing but when I write with the boys in mind, the flow of thought and confidence comes to me so easily. Because when it comes to them , I'm sure. I'm secure. I'm home. So a huge thank you to the boys for being my source of inspiration and inspiring many others to express their creativity via art, stories and so many other things THROUGH them. They mean the world to me and I love them so much.

Lastly, I would like to thank my readers - especially those who voted and commented. As a writer, receiving credit isn't everything but it does play a part in the writer's confidence. I would like to thank every single person who read, voted, commented, encouraged and spread the word about my story. YOU are the reason I didn't give up and you are the reason there will be more from me. So THANK YOU. ♡

Until next time...(wait does that mean there's going to be a sequel? Idk, you find out ;) ) ...goodbye and good luck. Muah x

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