"WTF Scientists!!!

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Rebecca's POV

I was violently grabbed out of the vehicle and blindfolded. I clenched my teeth refusing to show pain as they dragged me along a gravel road. When my blindfold was removed after being dragged through the gravel road and two flights of stairs I saw a simple room with a bed and an open door in the corner leading to a bathroom. I was suddenly kicked to the ground. I glared daggers at the men as they removed my binding and then ran out fast chaining the door. "Scaredy cats" I muttered. I paced around the room looking for escapes. These people were smart there were none I saw. Suddenly the door cracked open u dare not look at whoever entered.

"Do you like your accommodations?" he asked. I turned around but dint answer I just kept a straight face. "I bet you wandering what's goin on aren't you but..... you can't know exactly till the time comes."

"Right now your coming with me" he said grabbing my arm and before I could get away he tased me. I was dragged into another room and strapped to a surgical table. I refused to show emotion although I was terrified. A bunch of scientists gathered around me halftime if them had shots the other half had wires. I looked closer and saw the shots were filled with water? no something else. My thoughts were interrupted when the half with shots stabbed me and drained the syringes. It hurt so much a single tear was shed and I yelped. Then the half with wires shocked me. They repeated this process for I don't know how long by the time they were through I was screaming in pain. Every morning I got up at an ungodly hour for a week they had been injecting me with a liquid and then electrocuting me. Why?!? I don't know. Today was different though after my usual tasing I was dragged into a different room and was chained to a surgical table. Half the scientists had wires a fourth had torches and the rest had syringes filled with this boiling red stuff. I gulped oh shit. First they injected me then electrocuted me then burned me with the torches then electrocuted me again. I screamed in agony and pain as they did I couldn't put on a straight face for this one. Each week I had a different treatment after four weeks they did all the treatments over. I think this went on for two months. I constantly thought about Natasha I missed her so bad she was probably worrying her head off right now. I hope Clint was comforting her. I met Clint a few times and I totally shipped Clintasha. I smiled at the me.Tories of me teasing them they were my family. Clint was like a brother to me. I never met my parents me and Tasha where in an orphanage till we were 10. Then she got sick and tired of how we were treated and we escaped. She provided for us all by herself I admired her for that. I miss her ill probably never see her again.

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