New Prisoner

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The suit was gorgeous it was a tight knee length rainbow dress with a halter top and rainbow boots with a tiny heel and rainbow wrist bands. I quickly changed and walked out. I put my hair up in a rainbow ribbon. "Lets go guys I'm ready" I walked up to them smiling.

"Not quite you need a name remember how about Rainbow Blast" Steve suggested.

"Sure lets just go guys we haven't got all night" I walked into the jet. When we arrived me and Captain jumped out hiding while Tasha waited for our signal to fly in. Suddenly dozens of people ran out screaming. A guy who I assume is Loki came out he was wearing a gold robe type thing holding a scepter with some blue energy on it and he had a gold ht with horns. I smirked what a ridiculous costume then I looked down and thought about my hero name and realized I was pretty ridiculous too.

"KNEEL I SAID KNEEL" he shouted and suddenly there were four of him surrounding he people as they slowly kneeled. But one old man didn't kneel.

"I won't kneel to men like you" he scoffed.

"There are no men like me" Loki retorted

"there are always men like you."

"Look to your elder let him be and example" Loki pointed his scepter at the man and shot him but Cap jumped in front of the man using his shield to shield him. I jumped out and felt my body heating up and I was flaming luckily this suit was fireproof. I signaled Tasha.

"Stand down Loki" Tasha threatened over the megaphone. Captain and Loki were fighting but Loki stopped a moment and shot at the ship. I ran and jumped a lot higher than I thought I could and blocked the shot with t body getting thrown back.

"Aaaugh my ducking god literally" I groaned as I hit the ground. I sat up an saw Steve running to me and Loki wa going to hoot him but I held up my hand and gathered my energy and shot a rainbow energy ball at him. It it Loki square in the chest and then I collapsed breathing hard when I'm hurt its hard to do that. Suddenly AC/DC blasted through the jet speakers. The HELL Tasha now is not the time I was about to scream then I saw Ironman/Tomy Stark fly ino view.

"Oh him" I sighed. Steve came over an helped me up "thanks." I raised my hand and being able to control earth and air and the fact Loki was preoccupied the scepter flew into my hand.

"Make a move reindeer games" Tony said aiming a bunch of guns at him. Loki surrendered. Steve helped me into the ship and I also used the scepter as a cane I saw Loki frown at this. We sat Loki down on a seat cuffed.

"Something's up" Steve frowned. I nodded Loki is really powerful and he gave up too easy.

"What rock ages giving up so easy" Tomy smirked.

"I don't remember it being this easy this guy packs a wallop" Steve muttered. Suddenly we flew into a storm and it thundered and lighting flashed across the sky.

I saw Loki flinched "what's the matter a little thunder and lighting scare ya" I smirked holding my hand out and made little mini lighting a dance across it.

"Im not overly fond of what follows" he shrugged. Tony opened the hatch to fly out and see but them a really muscular blonde walked in and grabbed Loki and using his hammer flew off.

"The h3ll" I muttered. Tony looked ready to jump out.

"Wait Stark we need a plan of attack" Steve said.

"I have a plan ATTACK" Tony smirked and flew out. I laughed then quickly closed my mouth and smile cheekily at Steve before jumping out withouth a parachute. Before I crashed to the ground where Tony and the hammer guy were fighting I used the air to cushion my fall and landed in between them.

"STOP GU-" I never fit to finish before a hammer hit me in the stomach throwing me into a tree and then the tree fell on me. I obviously blacked out.

Steve's POV

I landed in time to see Rebecca thrown into a tree then then the tree fell on her.

"Stop don't touch her" I shouted when the hammer guy walk up to Becca.

"Im on your side Loki needs to see justice" he replied.

"Prove it drop the hammer"

"No he loves his hammer-" Tony got cut off when a hammer hit him throwing him back. Then the hammer flew back into the guys hand and he ran up about to smash my head then I held up my shield and we all flew back. "Are we done here" I asked he nodded.

"Im Thor Oddinson" he held out his hand for me to shake. I shook it

"Steve Rogers."

Then I froze "Becca" I ran to her and picked up her limp body. "BECCA" I cried "wake up" I begged.

"I'm truly sorry"Thor apologized. We got back into the jet after getting Loki down.


"My bad Lady I accidently hit her with my hammer" Thor apologized.

"I am Thor Oddinson"

"Im Natasha Romanoff her f$#king twin my f$#king gods she was already shot by your motherf#$king brother and know you WHAT THE H@$L" Tasha yelled. Thor looked guilty.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

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