Im Coming Home

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Natasha stood before me mouth open. We stared at each other for a few minutes then we ran up to each other and hugged like our lives depended on it. "Becca is that really you" Tasha asked sobbing.

"Yes it's me" I replied shedding tears of my own.

"I thought I lost you" she cried.

"Im rght here you won't lose me just yet" I said wiping her tears.

"I did what you said Rebecca I followed my heart and made your dream come true" Natasha smirked.

"CLINTASHA forever" I screamed and tackled Clint who walked up behind Natasha.

"My new brother" I hugged him.

"If you hurt her I will personally make sure you never live to see the light if day again" I growled and Clint paled. Then I burst out laughing. "Okay who's gonna take me to see Steve and pick him up from the hospital" I asked.

"We all are" Bruce said.

"I'm gonna video tape his reaction and put it on YouTube" Tony smirked. I nodded and we all piled into two cars. Natasha Clint and Bruce in on me and Tony in the other.

"Why do they get a sports car and we get a mini van" I asked Tony.

"It was my idea we are driving Steve back you and him will sit in the back and I will pull this sound and sight block out so I don't hear or see what you are doing" Tony said casual as ever.

"What the heck Tony you pervert" I yelled and punched him in the side.

"But you love me" he teased.

"Yeah I do and you'll be the death of me" I grumbled and he laughed. We pulled into the parking lot. I hopped out.

"Wait up" Tony jogged to catch up. The other car pulled up and Clint, Natasha, and Bruce spilled out and ran up to us. We all walked up to his room a few nurses gasped apparently they thought I was dead well I was but still. Bruce opened the door and I hid behind everyone as they walked in.

"Come on Steve time to go" Tony said. Steve was sitting on the edge of his bed in simple blue jeans and a white shirt. He slowly turned around he was crying. Natasha stiffened and Clint grabbed her hand.

"I'm coming home I'm coming home tell the world I'm coming home" I sang and stepped out. Steve just stared.

"R-Rebecca is that you" he stuttered still crying. I nodded numbly.

"Yeah it is" I stammered. He just ran up to me picked me up a d twirled me around.

"God I missed you so much never leave me again" Steve cried setting me down. Then he kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"I never will it killed me literally to be with out you" I started crying of happiness. Steve wiped my tears and smiled.

"Words can't describe what I feel right now" Steve gasped.

"Then don't use words" I winked. Steve blushed like a tomato but wrapped his arms around my waist and smashed lips to mine. The moment was perfect it was like we were the only ones there i never want it to end but it did. After we realized we weren't the only people there.

"I got the whole thing taped I'm posting it" Tony held up his phone triumphantly. I blushed and Natasha and Clint smirked. Bruce was looking over Tonya shoulder as he posted it on YouTube. I grabbed Steve hand and we walked out of the hospital together. The others soon joined us and in that second everything was perfect.


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