There is a big difference between life and death

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Natasha's POV

You couldn't see the gamma radiation filling up the tank but I could tell it was there because the scientists were obviously afraid of the outcome and pulled a curtain over the window. I was in complete hysteria screaming and struggling. I heard my sisters screams louder than ever then they stopped completely not a sound was heard. "SHES DEAD YOU KILLED HER ILL KILL YOU ILL KILL YOU ALL" I screamed over and over.

"Don't stop the test, complete it fully" the head scientist shouted.

Clint's POV

Natasha kept screaming death threats till she lost her voice but she sobbed and sobbed muttering how it was her fault. After this she would become the stone faced emotionless secret agent she never wanted to be. She started in this business because of her sister. Now Natasha probably wouldn't let anyone in ever her emotions would be on lockdown.

Rebecca's POV

As soon as the curtain was pulled I shut my eyes tight and screamed I didn't know what I was feeling I couldn't put a finger on it. I screamed out. I heard my sister screaming for me. Then I blacked out.

Captains POV

I felt bad for the girl and for Natasha I knew the pain of losing someone close to you and it isnt a nice feeling.

Natasha's POV

I felt lost without Rebecca she was my other half literally she was my twin. I just shook my head it can't be true it wasn't true. The scientist whispered among themselves.

"There's no traces of gamma radiation in the tank she soaked it all up as planned." One of them said.

"Open the capsule" the head scientist said. I was so angry I broke the chains and started taking out scientists left and right. I quickly undid Captain and Clints chains. I karate chopped a man after Me and flipped another over my head. Captain and Clint immediately started helping Captain threw his threw his shield that was on the ground at the wall and it bounced off knocking 2 guys out. One of the scientist I smacked fell on a button that opened the capsule.

I looked at my sister as the capsule opened and gasped.

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