Day 1 continued

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      I looked over curiously at my new "husband", who in the short time I had spaced out, had moved to sit next to me. He was even cuter up close. "Hi. You must be Austin." I say, giving an awkward wave. "Yep. You must be Claire." He said, and gave me a small smile. Jeez, even his smile is cute. Maybe he will be a help to the project after all, he doesn't seem like a jerk.
        "So the kids will be dropped off at the house tonight. Get yourselves prepared. Figure out your plan. Here's the first bit of cash." Our principal explained, as she handed us the cash. We walked out and looked at the slip of paper with the address on it. The house was only a block away from the school. "So where's your car?" I ask Austin. "Next to yours.We apparently have parking spaces next to each other." He says, pointing at the only other car in the senior parking lot. "Let's go then. House is just a block away." I say, hoping to get an initial plan for the next eight months. "Cool. And ideas on names?" He asks. "Mm... let's wait until we meet them so we can name them properly and have names that fit them." I say as I open up my car door. "Sounds like a plan." He says, giving me another cute smile.

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