Homecoming week part 2

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          Wanted to start off the chapter by saying who told me to update the story. A girl in my class reads the story and she told me to update and so now I am. So this chapter was inspired by her and also dedicated to her:
I wake up and quickly get dressed. The theme for today is Disney. Daycare is still closed. Apparently, it's closed for the text of the week. Great. Me and Austin decided that we're gonna do a "family theme" as a joke for the rest of the day. Today we're all going as characters from Alice in wonderland. I'm going as Alice, Austin's the mad hatter, Grace is the queen of hearts, Richard is the Cheshire Cat, Jake is the white rabbit, Jackie is the caterpillar, and Evelyn is the white queen.
The day went pretty well with me taking Richard, Grace, and Jackie while Austin had Evelyn and Jake. The arrangement actually worked out pretty well because my classmates all adored the little kids and Evelyn loves to hold the twins, which benefits Austin. Me, on the other hand, I struggled in the morning. Richie got scared by the girls again. Gracie and Jackie had zero problems, but Richie had a thousand. He didn't like the girls squeaks and squeals. He didn't like being held by anyone else. He didn't wanna color. He didn't wanna sit in his own seat. By the end of class, he was in my lap with headphones on to block the sounds and he was watching alphabet videos on YouTube. At the end of history I put Jackie and Grace in a thing that holds them onto my stomach and Richie was clinging to my leg. Then things got complicated. Some jock saw me walking down the hallway and decided that he wanted to be my Romeo. So he picked up Richie. Which was probably the dumbest thing to do in the world. Richie instantly burst into tears. The jock had no idea what to do. He ended up doing this weird pat on the back thing to Richie, which made him cry even more. And then it got worse. The jock didn't want to give Richie back. He thought that if he got him to calm down that he was gonna be my hero or something. Then Austin showed up. And what did Austin do? He handed Jake to Evelyn and pulled Richie away from the other guy. I thought it would be over then. Nope. Instead, Austin set Richie down and punched the guy. Which started a fight. Which started me running up to stop the fight after the kids were secured with another classmate. Which got me in the hospital with a small break in my foot. Which is why I'm in an orthopedic boot. The day before homecoming. Great.

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