Homecomimg week part one

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Before I start, I just want to say who this chapter is dedicated to. This chapter is dedicated to monse_329 for adding my story to his reading list!! Thank you so much!!!! So I hadn't realized that the story is getting slightly popular, so I'm gonna give this story another shot.
Day 1
Today's theme is America. I'm decked out completely in red white and blue. And apparently something is happening during lunch, because everyone I know is talking about this huge thing that's about to happen. I walk into the lunchroom and almost want to cry. Austin is standing there with the rest of the soccer team and he's holding a big bouquet of roses. The team is holding a huge sign that reads I'll go loco if u don't go with me to hoco.
He walks up to me and hands me the roses. "So, what do ya say?" He asks. "Yes." I say, still in shock. "She said yes!!!!!" He yelled, and the entire team and every one else starts cheering.
Day 2
Today's twin day. The only problem is, the daycare is closed today. So we have to take the kids to school with us. Since it's twin day, the twins are dressed alike. Richard and Austin are twining together. Which leaves me, Grace, and Evelyn to triplet together. I'm taking Evelyn, Grace, and Jackie for the morning, which leaves Austin with Richard and Jake. The school was fine with the kids and my classmates loved the kids. The girls all took turns holding the kids and they loved the attention. I finally made it to lunch and Austin looked like he was gonna die. "We need to switch. Richard won't stop demanding to go with you and I can't get him to stop." "Okay, have fun with the girls." I say, picking Richard up in the process. We eat lunch and then I head back to class with Jake in my arms and Richard holding on tightly to my shirt. The minute I walk into class, the girl swarm around me. I carefully handed Jake to one of the girls and look down to see Richard look like he's gonna cry. I pick him up and realize he got scared by the girls running up. "It's okay, they just want it meet you. They think you look very cute. Is it okay if they hold you instead of me?" I ask. Richard nods his head silently and let's me hand him to one of the other girls. Pretty soon all of the girls had held both of them and Richard was coloring at a spare desk and Jake was in someone's lap. After the bell rang we went home and all of the kids fell asleep tired from their day at school. As soon as they fell asleep Austin wrapped his arms around me and leaned his chin on my shoulder. "Thanks for taking Rich today, he didn't want to hang out with me." "It wasn't you, he just wanted to spend time with both of us. My classmates scared him because they were so loud. He wanted to leave."

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