Day 2 continued

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         After going home after work with the kids, I see Austin on the couch. He immediately gets up and grabs Jack from my arms. I manage to unlatch Grace from my skirt and hand her to Eve, who decided that she's old enough to help babysit. I put Jackie in a rocker and she soon falls asleep for a nap. Rich is sitting on the floor with Eve and Gracie playing with some blocks. I lay onto the couch and am soon joined be Austin. I look at him to see what he's doing, and he's looking at me. Our eyes lock and he scoots a little bit closer to me. I can tell that he wants to kiss me, but before he does Rich gets up and decides he wants to sit with me. I pick him up and we cuddle while Austin makes dinner. I must have fallen asleep, because I wake up as Austin is lifting me up and carrying me to our room. He lays down and I lean against his chest. I look up at him and he's looking down at me. He leans down and kisses my nose. Slightly surprised, I lean back a bit. I then lean forward and soon our lips are lightly pressed against each other's. Our kiss is interrupted by Rich coming into our room. I get up and scoop him up and he lays in the bed with us. Soon after each and every kid is in the bed except for the twins.I fall asleep holding Rich, who is next to Gracie, who is using Eve's arm as a pillow. My pillow was stolen by Eve, so instead my pillow is Austin's arm. His other hand is loosely wrapped around my waist. Luckily, it was a Friday night so we didn't have to get up early. My last thought before falling asleep is thank goodness for Austin. Without him, this would be a lot harder.
Authors Note
I know it's a short chapter, this is just a filler chapter. But they kissed!!!! Is Caustin a thing??? Or is it Alaire??? Comment what they're ship name should be and if you think they should be an official couple!!!

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