Two months later

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It's been two months since we kissed, but nothing else has happened. The next day Austin just acted like it never happened. So I didn't mention it either. It's been the same schedule every day for the past two months. It's gotten kinda old to be honest. I can't find anything different to do. My life has become a babysitters nightmare. And I can't fix it for six more months. The twins are eating baby food now, so I'm not buying as much formula as I used to.   Next Saturday is homecoming, so I need to talk to Austin about what the plan for that night is. I switched jobs  to where now I can go to school and graduate still. I sleep less but it works. I now work at the kids daycare in the afternoons so I attend morning classes and am given the afternoon classes assignment to do later. The schedule finally works.
Authors note
Super short chapter today!!! I know, I'm slacking when it comes to my writing. I'm focusing more on just finishing this story cuz it's not as good as I hoped it would be. The next couple chapters will probably be little events that happen over the next couple of months, and then the end of the story. I might write a small sequel later in life. My better story is a one direction fanfic called Team Who? Please be sure to check it out cuz it's a lot better than this story. Comment if you think that I should make the ending a complete plot twist or just the project being over!!! I need help deciding! Let's get ten views here before I start the next chapter

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