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It's the nanny. With the kids. In the restaurant. I snatch up my phone and rush to the table. "What do you think you're doing? You have no right to take my kids where you please!" I'm screaming at her. Austin approaches calmly and rests his hand on my back. "Let's calm down a little" he suggested, looking around at the stares from the entire restaurant. "No. I AM calm. Don't you shush me over what some stupid restaurant thinks. She agreed to watch the kids and stay at the house, not just go around town with them. What would we do if one of them got hurt? Bet you didn't think of that. So don't you dare shush me." I turn back to her, glaring. "You better have a very good explanation for this" I said, borderline growling. I pick up the twins and turn to them saying "I won't be attending homecoming. But go have fun Austin. I just can't leave." Austin protested and made me put them down, assuring me it was all a misunderstanding. We left and drove to the dance, but only after making sure that stupid babysitter took the kids home. "This is gonna be one long night" I thought to myself. We get to the dance and I actual began to have a good time. Everyone was dancing around and there surprising wasn't any drama. Right up until I realized the babysitter was dancing right next to me. I am literally ready to rip this girl's hair out, and if she's lucky I pull out just weave. She looks at me with fear in her eyes and just goes "They all fell asleep so I left and decided to come to the dance." I drive home, furious, leaving Austin to hang out at homecoming with his friends. I come back to take care of the kids and around 1 I realize Austin still isn't home. I walk into our bedroom and realize he's in bed. Only problem is that he isn't alone.

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